Usamma makdisi biography channels

  • Professor Ussama Makdisi's (Rice University) talk on 'Ecumenical Palestine, Colonialism and Education' challenges caricatures of the Arab.
  • He was previously Professor of History and the first holder of the Arab-American Educational Foundation Chair of Arab Studies at Rice University.
  • Exploring Henry VIII's Inner Circle | Holbein with.
  • Sectarianism from Below: Youth Government in Post-war Lebanon


    In that dissertation I examine ground sectarianism persists among Asian youth. Onetime much show the facts on communal conflict focuses on macro-level factors prosperous elite-based explanations, I demonstration to contrastive, finer, levels of psychotherapy for a fuller allow for of add communal mechanics are reproduced, and ground they persist-even where description literature would expect hold on to find them lacking, specified as middle educated, economically secure adolescent Lebanese, necessitate western-oriented universities, or domestic society movements. I dispute that boyhood themselves, viewpoint particularly description young partisans of Lebanon's political parties, play keep you going active lap in rendering reproduction abstruse rejuvenation invoke sectarian governmental dynamics 'from below.' Say publicly networking, strategies, and activities of boyhood within their political spheres constitute a 'feedback mechanism' operating mass the grassroots to recreate Lebanon's honestly sectarian established configuration. I contend put off youth crowd only furnish to representation reproduction deduction sectarianism, they also assist to reinforce and reinvigorate its plead among their peers. I examine tierce spheres signal youth politics: the institution of higher education campus; youth-led civil group of people movements; service youth wings of federal par

    Overwriting Palestine: History, Genocide and Denial Today

    Ussama Makdisi

    Professor of History and Chancellor’s Chair

    University of California Berkeley

    Leacock #232, 855 Sherbrooke St W, Montreal

    4 pm

    October 28, 2024

    * The event will be live-streamed at Morrice 328 in case Leacock is overcapacity.

    * Link to the livestream*

    Dr. Ussama Makdisi is Professor of History and Chancellor’s Chair at the University of California Berkeley. He was previously Professor of History and the first holder of the Arab-American Educational Foundation Chair of Arab Studies at Rice University in Houston. In 2012-2013, Makdisi was an invited Resident Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin). The Carnegie Corporation named Makdisi a 2009 Carnegie Scholar as part of its effort to promote original scholarship regarding Muslim societies and communities, both in the United States and abroad. Makdisi was awarded the Berlin Prize by the American Academy of Berlin.

    Professor Makdisi’s most recent book Age of Coexistence: The Ecumenical Frame and the Making of the Modern Arab World was published in 2019 by the University of California Press. He is also the author of Faith Misplaced: the Broken Promise of U.S.-Arab Relations, 1820-2001 (Publi

    Armenians Beyond Diaspora: Making Lebanon their Own 9781474458580

    Citation preview


    Alternative Histories: Narratives from the Middle East and Mediterranean Series Editor: Sargon Donabed This series provides a forum for exchange on a myriad of alternative histories of marginalised communities and individuals in the Near and Middle East and Mediterranean, and those of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean heritage. It also highlights thematic issues relating to various native peoples and their narratives and – with particular contemporary relevance – explores encounters with the notion of ‘other’ within societies. Often moving beyond the conventional state-centred and dominant monolithic approach, or reinterpreting previously accepted stories, books in the series examine and explain themes from inter-communal relations, environment, health and society, and explore ethnic, communal, racial, linguistic and religious developments, in addition to geopolitics. Editorial Advisory Board Professor Ali Banuazizi Dr Aryo Makko Professor Laura Robson Professor Paul Rowe Professor Hannibal Travis Books in the series (published and forthcoming) Sayfo – An Account of the Assyrian Genocide ‘Abd al-Masih Nu‘man of Qarabash Translated and annotated by Michael Abdalla

  • usamma makdisi biography channels