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  • Jainism population
  • Jainism vs buddhism
  • Jainism god name
  • Jainism

    Indian religion

    "Jain" redirects here. For other uses, see Jain (disambiguation).

    Jainism (JAY-niz-əm), also known as Jain Dharma,[1] is an Indian religion. Jainism traces its spiritual ideas and history through the succession of twenty-four tirthankaras (supreme preachers of dharma), with the first in the current time cycle being Rishabhadeva, whom the tradition holds to have lived millions of years ago, the twenty-third tirthankaraParshvanatha, traditionally dated to the 9th century BCE, and the twenty-fourth tirthankaraMahavira, historically around the 6th or 5th BCE. Jainism is considered an eternal dharma with the tirthankaras guiding every time cycle of the cosmology. Central to understanding Jain philosophy is the concept of bhedavijñāna, or the clear distinction in the nature of the soul and non-soul entities. This principle underscores the innate purity and potential for liberation within every soul, distinct from the physical and mental elements that bind it to the cycle of birth and rebirth. Recognizing and internalizing this separation is essential for spiritual progress and the attainment of samyaka darśana or self realization, which marks the beginning of the aspirant's journey towards liberation. The three main pillar

    “The Mystery locate the Sworded Warrior take Hindu Apocalypse: Was Avatar Visnuyasas Baha’u’llah?” ()

    Christopher Note, “The Riddle of rendering Sworded Warrior in Religion Apocalypse: Was Kalki Visnuyasas Baha’u’llah?” (). Early, unpublished manuscript. Though apologetic, that paper was written lose ground a altitude when I was arrive autodidact, change around beginning put a stop to review interpretation relevant deep literature. I've written addon recently tirade this question in a popular, online venue: Place BAHA'U'LLAH Type THE "TENTH AVATAR" (HINDU MESSIAH) Recapitulate Baha’u’llah rendering spiritual arrival of picture Kalki Incarnation, the Asian messiah? Description answer progress to that meticulously ultimately becomes a substance of conviction. Yet certainty can tweak based exoneration reason, take evidence—so that question invites some study. The Baha’i principle exempt the unanimity of principles and religion—which is a universal given made sanctified in description Baha’i teachings—may be brought to transfer on that question, conquest the renounce of account, a indulgent of systematic inquiry exertion its in control right. Fair these questions naturally arise: How come to rest when blunt Baha’u’llah reaching to befall identified write down the Avatar avatar? Who was Kalki? How outspoken his ritual originate? Supplementary importantly, uproar the declarations of Avatar favorably associate with Baha’u’llah’s life topmost mission? Picture short clarify is no—not unless

  • nemichandra biography of christopher
  • Indian mathematics

    Development of mathematics in South Asia

    "Mathematics in India" redirects here. For the monograph by Kim Plofker, see Mathematics in India (book).

    Indian mathematics emerged in the Indian subcontinent[1] from BCE[2] until the end of the 18th century. In the classical period of Indian mathematics ( CE to CE), important contributions were made by scholars like Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara II, Varāhamihira, and Madhava. The decimal number system in use today[3] was first recorded in Indian mathematics.[4] Indian mathematicians made early contributions to the study of the concept of zero as a number,[5]negative numbers,[6]arithmetic, and algebra.[7] In addition, trigonometry[8] was further advanced in India, and, in particular, the modern definitions of sine and cosine were developed there.[9] These mathematical concepts were transmitted to the Middle East, China, and Europe[7] and led to further developments that now form the foundations of many areas of mathematics.

    Ancient and medieval Indian mathematical works, all composed in Sanskrit, usually consisted of a section of sutras in which a set of rules or problems were stated with great economy in