Ivy khan biography template

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    I get a lot of questions about the best investment banking resume/CV template to win interviews and get hired. So in this article, I give you a proveninvestment banking resume template, plus answers to the most common investment banking resume questions we hear, such as:

    • What should I put on my investment banking resume?
    • How can I tweak my resume for investment banking?
    • What skills and experience should I list (and what should I leave out)?

    So let’s dive in…

    For a step-by-step video walkthrough of the resume template, check this out:

    The Ideal Investment Banking Resume Structure

    Notice how the resume template is very compact – investment bankers only spend 30 seconds reading your resume, so you want to hit on the key points rather than overloading them with information.

    We recommend sticking to 1 page unless you are applying to Managing Director-level positions (and if you’re reading this website, that is probably not you, though I’m sure some MDs do read).

    And before anyone mentions it – yes, I know Australia is an e

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    Ivy Tsz-Lo Wong

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Pathology

    Honors & Awards

    • Graduate Student Travel Scholarship 2017, Tigris Educational Fund (2017)

    Professional Education

    • Doctor of Philosophy, University Of Hong Kong (2017)

    • Visiting Research Student, King's College London (2015)

    • Master of Science, University Of Hong Kong (2012)

    • Bachelor of Science, Hong Kong University Of Science & Technology (2011)

    All Publications

    • Breakage fusion bridge cycles drive high oncogene number with moderate intratumoural heterogeneity.Nature communicationsRaeisi Dehkordi, S., Wong, I. T., Ni, J., Luebeck, J., Zhu, K., Prasad, G., Krockenberger, L., Xu, G., Chowdhury, B., Rajkumar, U., Caplin, A., Muliaditan, D., Gnanasekar, A., Coruh, C., Jin, Q., Turner, K., Teo, S. X., Pang, A. W., Alexandrov, L. B., Chua, C. E., Furnari, F. B., Maciejowski, J., Paulson, T. G., Law, J. A., Chang, H. Y., Yue, F., DasGupta, R., Zhao, J., Mischel, P. S., Bafna, V.2025; 16 (1): 1497


      Oncogene amplification is a key driver of cancer pathogenesis. Both breakage fusion bridge (BFB) cycles and extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) can lead to high oncogene copy numbers, but the impact of BFB amplifications on intratumoral heterogeneity, treatment response, and patient survival

    • ivy khan biography template