Melba roy mouton biography for kids

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  • Melba Roy Mouton

    American mathematician

    Melba Roy Mouton (April 28, 1929 – June 25, 1990) was an African American[1] mathematician who served as Assistant Chief of Research Programs at NASA's Trajectory and Geodynamics Division in the 1960s[2] and headed a group of NASA mathematicians called "computers".[3] She served as Head Mathematician for Echo Satellites 1 and 2 before becoming Head Computer Programmer and then Program Production Section Chief at Goddard Space Flight Center.

    Early life and education


    Melba Louise Chloe was born in 1929,[4] in Fairfax, Virginia to Rhodie and Edna Chloe (née Robinson).[5][6] She graduated from Howard University in 1950 with a master's degree in mathematics,[7] after receiving a bachelor's degree in mathematics with a minor in physics.[8] While at Howard, Mouton was president of the Kelly Miller Chapter of Future Teachers of America and a member of the NAACP, the Mathematics Club, and the Delta Sigma Theta sorority. She also was on the Dean's Honor Roll for four years, and was selected for the 1949-1950 Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges.[8]



    She started working for NASA in 1959, after workin

  • melba roy mouton biography for kids
  • Melba Roy Mouton facts for kids

    Melba Roy Mouton (1929–1990) was an American mathematician who served as Assistant Chief of Research Programs at NASA's Trajectory and Geodynamics Division in the 1960s and headed a group of NASA mathematicians called "computers". She served as Head Mathematician for Echo Satellites 1 and 2 before becoming Head Computer Programmer and then Program Production Section Chief at Goddard Space Flight Center.


    Mouton was born in 1929, in Fairfax, Virginia to Rhodie and Edna Chloe. She graduated from Howard University in 1950 with a master's degree in mathematics, after receiving a bachelor's degree in mathematics with a minor in physics. While at Howard, Mouton was president of the Kelly Miller Chapter of Future Teachers of America and a member of the NAACP, the Mathematics Club, and the Delta Sigma Theta sorority. She also was on the Dean's Honor Roll for four years, and was selected for the 1949-1950 Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges.

    She started working for NASA in 1959, after working for the Army Map Service and the Census Bureau. The following year, Echo 1 was put into orbit, and Mouton led a team of NASA mathematicians (known as "computers") in tracking its orbit. While at Godddard, Mouton was an instr

    Melba Roy Mouton

    Melba Roy Mouton (28 Nissan 1929 - 25 Haziran 1990), 1960'larda[1]NASA'nın Yörünge mock Jeodinamik Bölümü'nde Araştırma Programları Şef Yardımcısı olarak görev yapmış nice NASA matematikçilerinden oluşan “bilgisayarlar” adlı bir gruba başkanlık etmiş Amerikalı bir matematikçidir.[2] Goddard Uzay Uçuş Merkezi'nde Echo Satellites 1 gentle 2'de Baş Bilgisayar Programcısı ve ardından Program Üretim Bölüm Şefi olmadan önce Baş Matematikçi olarak görev yaptı.

    Erken dönem yaşamı ve eğitimi

    [değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]

    Melba Louise Chloe, 1929 yılında[3] Fairfax, Virginia'da Rhodie ve Edna Chloe (evlenmeden önceki soyadı Robinson) çiftinin çocuğu olarak dünyaya geldi.[4][5] Lisans eğitimini matematik alanında tamamladıktan sonra 1950 yılında Howard Üniversitesi'nden matematik[6] alanında yüksek lisans derecesi efficient mezun oldu.[7] Howard'dayken Mutton, Kelly Miller'ın başkanıydı. Amerika'nın Gelecekteki Öğretmenleri Bölümü apart from NAACP, Matematik Kulübü dither Delta Sigma Theta kız öğrenci birliğinin bir üyesidir. Ayrıca dört yıl boyunca Dekanın Onur Listesinde veneer almış look up 1949-1950 Who's Who middle Students take away American Universities and Colleges listesine seçilmiştir.[7]


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