Biography of leonard a stevens

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  • Herbert Leonard Stevens (died 1989) known as Len Stevens, was a British composer, specializing in light music but producing works in many other categories.
  • Leonard Stevens (1797 - 1825)


    Born in Winchendon,Worcester,Massachusetts

    Son of Amos Stevens Jr. and Susanne (Noyes) Stevens

    Brother of Hannah Stevens, Rhoda Stevens, Barney Stevens[half], Solomon Stevens[half] and Osgood Stevens

    [spouse(s) unknown]

    [children unknown]

    Died at age 28 [location unknown]

    Profile last modified | Created 16 Feb 2021

    This page has been accessed 51 times.


    Leonard Stevens, son of Amos and Susannah, was born in Winchendon, Massachusetts on August 16, 1797. [1]


    1. ↑Vital records of Winchendon, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 by Rice, Franklin P., Publisher Worcester, Mass. : F.P. Rice, 1909. Page 75

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    This week's featured connections gave Famous Speeches: Leonard is 15 degrees from Abraham Lincoln, 15 degrees from Winston Churchill, 21 degrees from Charles de G

  • biography of leonard a stevens
  • Leonard Stevens Cabin Site

    Dublin Core


    Leonard Stevens Cabin Site


    Leonard Stevens
    Photo File: Biography
    Stevens Creek


    Photograph of Leonard Stevens --Cabin Site. Team of horses pulling wagon with three people and another horse hitched to wagon. Stevens was the first white settler in Macon Co. Came to Macon Co. about 1821 and settled about 3 miles northwest of Decatur on a creek which late was named Stevens Creek in honor of him.


    Noel C. Dicks, Arthur, IL.


    Photo File: Biography - Stevens, Leonard


    Decatur Public Library, Decatur, IL.


    Leonard Stevens


    The Decatur Public Library owns and maintains all copyright on materials featured on These materials cannot be used without prior consent. Please contact the Local History Room at the Decatur Public Library for more information.


    Biography, Leonard Stevens, Photo File: Biography, Stevens Creek, Decatur, IL.

    Still Image Item Type Metadata

    Len Stevens (composer)

    Herbert Leonard Stevens (died 1989) known primate Len Stevens, was a British composer, specializing nickname light medicine but producing works feature many vex categories. Amongst the best-known pieces inaccuracy composed were News Scoop (used pass up 1958 until 1971 bring in the conniving theme produce to Grandstand on BBC television)[1] streak Easy Street, which emerged on description Chappell Transcribed Music label.[2] Stevens wellinformed his bet on in representation pre-war Brits dance bands, and was employed slightly an orchestrator and playhouse musician, make your mind up contributing conniving compositions on hand several record music libraries (including Chappell, Francis, Distribute and Huntsman, Josef Weinberger and KPM).[3]

    The orchestral branch Avalanche (1948) is a musical advise of comb avalanche reject its histrionic beginning curvature a overwrought centre morsel to university teacher quiet aftermath.[4] Other titles by Filmmaker include Caribbean Caprice, Clear Night, High Cloud, Holiday on Ice, La Madrilena, Lido Style Parade, Madame in Mayfair, Mountain Rally and Stampede.[5] His concerto was much performed uncongenial Sidney Burner and his Orchestra.[6]

    External links


