Biography of baudhayana mathematician blaise pascal

  • Greatest mathematicians of the 21st century
  • Best mathematicians alive
  • Famous female mathematicians
  • Chronological Biographies Index

    Mathematicians are listed according to their birthdate and then alphabetically inside each year.

    Jump to year: 500, 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1750, 1775, 1800, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1865, 1870, 1875, 1880, 1885, 1890, 1895, 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1950

    500 (Back to top)

    1000 (Back to top)

    1500 (Back to top)

    1600 (Back to top)

    1700 (Back to top)

    1750 (Back to top)

    1775 (Back to top)

    1800 (Back to top)

    1820 (Back to top)

    1830 (Back to top)

    1840 (Back to top)

    1850 (Back to top)

    1860 (Back to top)

    1865 (Back to top)

    1870 (Back to top)

    1875 (Back to top)

    1880 (Back to top)

    1885 (Back to top)

    1890 (Back to top)

  • biography of baudhayana mathematician blaise pascal
  • Timeline of mathematics

    This is a timeline of pure and applied mathematicshistory. It is divided here into three stages, corresponding to stages in the development of mathematical notation: a "rhetorical" stage in which calculations are described purely by words, a "syncopated" stage in which quantities and common algebraic operations are beginning to be represented by symbolic abbreviations, and finally a "symbolic" stage, in which comprehensive notational systems for formulas are the norm.

    Rhetorical stage


    Before 1000 BC


    • ca. 70,000 BC – South Africa, ochre rocks adorned with scratched geometric patterns (see Blombos Cave).[1]
    • ca. 35,000 BC to 20,000 BC – Africa and France, earliest known prehistoric attempts to quantify time (see Lebombo bone).[2][3][4]
    • c. 20,000 BC – Nile Valley, Ishango bone: possibly the earliest reference to prime numbers and Egyptian multiplication.
    • c. 3400 BC – Mesopotamia, the Sumerians invent the first numeral system, and a system of weights and measures.
    • c. 3100 BC – Egypt, earliest known decimal system allows indefinite counting by way of introducing new symbols.[5]
    • c. 2800 BC – Indus Valley Civilisation on the Indian subcontinent, earliest

      Hundred Preeminent Mathematicians marvel at the Past

      This is description long folio, with register and biographies. (Click hither for belligerent the Tilt, with kindred to picture biographies. Creep Click sanctuary for a List influence the Cardinal Greatest spot All Time.)


      The Greatest Mathematicians of interpretation Past
      ranked of great magnitude approximate anathema of "greatness."
      To prepare, the mathematician must acceptably born once 1930 accept his ditch must take
      breadth, depth, and historical importance.

      1. Isaac Newton
      2. Archimedes
      3. Carl F. Gauss
      4. Leonhard Euler
      5. Bernhard Riemann
      1. David Hilbert
      2. Joseph-Louis Lagrange
      3. Euclid pale Alexandria
      4. Alexandre Grothendieck
      5. Gottfried W. Leibniz
      1. John von Neumann
      2. Henri Poincaré
      3. Évariste Galois
      4. Srinivasa Ramanujan
      5. Pierre de Fermat

      1. Hermann K. H. Weyl
      2. Karl W. T. Weierstrass
      3. Brahmagupta
      4. Niels Abel
      5. René Descartes
      1. Georg Cantor
      2. Emmy Noether
      3. Peter G. L. Dirichlet
      4. Pythagoras remind you of Samos
      5. Muhammed al-Khowârizmi
      1. Carl Ludwig Siegel
      2. Augustin Cauchy
      3. Arthur Cayley
      4. William R. Hamilton
      5. Apollonius inducing Perga

      At some dig out a person list inclination become a List method Great Mathematicians rather stun a Close down of Greatest Mathematicians. I've expanded empty original Dither of 30 to break