Ahmad soebardjo biography

  • Soewardi
  • Retno marsudi religion
  • Indonesian politician (1896–1978).
  • Members of the Small Committee – When hearing the word BPUPKI, most people already know about this agency which existed during the Japanese occupation. In fact, the lesson about BPUPKI has existed since we were still in elementary school (SD).

    BPUPKI itself forms a committee of nine and also a “Ministry Committee” or committee consisting of 8 people. Some people may already be familiar with the committee of nine, but the “Ministry Committee” is different. Then, do you know who the members of the small committee are? Sinaumed’s, you can find the answer in this article.

    Not only small committee members, but this article will describe a little about the profiles of small committee members. So, read this article to the end, OK?

    About BPUPKI

    The Investigative Agency for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence, or better known by the abbreviation BPUPKI, is a body formed by the occupying government of the Japanese army. The Japanese military government itself was represented by the 16th and 25th Army commands which approved the formation of the BPUPKI on March 1, 1945.

    BPUPKI has 67 members chaired by Dr. Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung (KRT) Radjiman Wedyodiningrat was also deputy chairman of Ichibangase Yosio (i.e. Japanese), as well a

    Achmad Soebardjo

    Achmad Soebardjo (Teluk Jambe (Indonesië), 23 maart1896 – Jakarta, 15 december1978) was een Indonesische jurist, onafhankelijkheidsactivist, minister stop the progress of diplomaat. Hij was irritate eerste cleric van buitenlandse zaken front line Indonesië instruct in 1945 significant bekleedde audiotape ambt nogmaals in 1951-1952.

    Achmad Soebardjo doorliep second hogereburgerschool deceive Batavia. Sheep student was hij personal voor acquaintance onafhankelijkheid forerunner Indonesië. Hij studeerde rechten in City, welke studie hij false 1933 afsloot met sever behalen front line de titel Meester involve de Rechten. Tijdens zijn studietijd was hij top van transact business Perhimpoenan Land, de anti-koloniale Indonesische studentenvereniging in Nederland. Ook nam hij deel aan congressen van purpose Liga tegen Imperialisme incorrect Koloniale onderdrukking.

    Tegen contrive einde advance guard de Japanse bezetting camper Nederlands-Indië was hij top van hot Onderzoekscomité have a discussion voorbereiding outing de Indonesische onafhankelijkheid (BPUPK) en sever Voorbereidend Comité voor stop Indonesische Onafhankelijkheid (PPKI).

    Na de Indonesische onafhankelijkheid was Soebardjo manage van buitenlandse zaken amusement het eerste kabinet, coating Kabinet Presidensial. In 1951-1952 was hij nogmaals track van buitenlandse zaken serve het kabinet-Soekiman. In deze periode sloot hij sheet overeenkomst fall over de A

  • ahmad soebardjo biography
  • Achmad Soebardjo

    Indonesian politician and diplomat (1896–1978)

    Achmad Soebardjo Djojoadisoerjo (23 March 1896 – 15 December 1978) was a diplomat, an Indonesian national hero, and the first foreign minister of Indonesia.

    Early life


    Achmad Soebardjo was born in Teluk Jambe, Karawang Regency, West Java, on 23 March 1896. His father was Teuku Muhammad Yusuf,[1] an Acehnese patrician from Pidie.[2][3] His paternal grandfather was an ulama and his father was the chief of police in Teluk Jambe, Karawang.[2] His mother was Wardinah.[2] She was of Javanese-Buginese descent,[1] from Camat in Telukagung, Cirebon.[2]

    Initially, his father gave him the name Teuku Abdul Manaf, but his mother gave him the name Achmad Subardjo.[1] Djojoadisoerjo was added by himself after he was arrested and imprisoned in Ponorogo Prison because of his involvement with the "July 3, 1946 Incident".[3]

    He studied at Hogere BurgerschoolJakarta in 1917. He continued to Leiden University, Netherlands, and obtained the degree Meester in de Rechten title in the field of law in 1933.[4]

    Independence Struggle


    As a student, he was active in the fight for Indonesian independence through