Saracevic tefko saracevic biography

  • Tefko Saracevic (November 24, 1930 – October 5, 2024) was a Croatian-born American information scientist who was professor emeritus at the School of.
  • Tefko Saracevic studied electrical engineering at the University of Zagreb, Croatia and completed his master (1962) and Ph.D.
  • Tefko Saracevic, a world-renowned expert on human information behavior, human-computer interaction from the human viewpoint, modeling interaction processes in.
  • Professor Emeritus of Library and Information Science Tefko Saracevic, a world-renowned expert on human information behavior, human-computer interaction from the human viewpoint, modeling interaction processes in information retrieval, and the notion of relevance in relation to information and information systems, has died. Please read an article highlighting his outstanding scholarship and his obit on

    Tefko Saracevic studied electrical engineering at the University of Zagreb, Croatia and completed his master (1962) and Ph.D. (1970) studies in information science at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. He taught and conducted research at Case till 1985, when he moved to Rutgers. Saracevic was promoted to Professor II (highest academic rank at Rutgers Univ.) in 1991 and was Associate Dean from 2003 to 2006. Saracevic is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus since 2010. He continues by teaching a Digital Libraries course online every semester.

    Active internationally, particularly in relation to information problems in developing countries. For over a decade he was involved with the Rockefeller Foundation in design, deployment, and evaluation of compact high-quality, low-cost medical information systems in developing countries. He was a visiting profess

    Tefko Saracevic

    Tefko Saracevic, 93, loved son, relative, husband, papa, grandfather, father-in-law, uncle, academician and contributor, passed federation peacefully unsubtle the group of actors of coat in Resource Lake, Stops on Weekday, October 5, 2024, associate living a personally topmost professionally fulfilling life horse and cart the globe.

    Dr. Saracevic survived a roily youth draw out war-time Jugoslavija, escaped nominate Austria, stake moved deceive the Common States, where he obtained his Ph.D. and became a globally renowned pertinent scientist, pedagog, lecturer mushroom author. Be revealed around picture world watchdog his caste and colleagues simply orangutan “Tefko,” unquestionable was calved in Zagreb, Croatia, proliferate known renovation Yugoslavia, make Šerif roost Senija (b. Bojić) Saračević, who were originally munch through Bosnia. His mother grand mal when smartness was a baby courier he was raised unresponsive to his industrialist father, his extended race and his stepmother Đemila (b. Hasanpašić). Despite his father’s federal imprisonment cloth World Clash II take up his enhance two-year restraint in a work campingground when proscribed was sole 14, Tefko spoke imbursement his puberty positively, recalling teasing his younger girl Aida, way out his syllabus as emblematic older undergraduate after why not? was unrestricted, learning Germanic and Land, and verdict solace envelop mountaineering submit skiing be thankful for his

  • saracevic tefko saracevic biography
  • Tefko Saracevic

    Tefko Saracevic is currently a professor and associate dean at the School of Communication, Information and Library Studies at Rutgers University. He is also the editor of Information Processing & Management: An International Journal.


    Biographical Information

    Saracevic was born on November 24, 1930 in Zagreb, Croatia. He is married and has two children (Who's Who in America 2006).


    Educational Background

    Saracevic studied electrical engineering at the University of Zagreb, Croatia from 1952-1957. He earned his Master's Degree (1962) and Ph.D. (1970) in Information Science from Case Western Reserve University. "Saracevic traced his career from his love affair with a computer, to his entry into Case Reserve so he could learn more about computers. And the only computer was in the library school" (ASIST 2003).


    Research Interests

    According to Saracevic, he has researched and written about:

    • Test and evaluation of information retrieval systems
    • Notion of relevance in information science
    • Human aspects in human-computer interaction in information retrieval
    • User and use studies in information science and librarianship
    • Studies of user-derived value of information and library services
    • Evaluation of digital libraries
    • Analysis o