Accettare se stessi di romano guardini biography

  • 25 See Romano Guardini, The End of the Modern World, (London: Sheed & Ward, 1957).
  • Guardini, R. (1993).
  • The great thinNer Romano Guardini By closeness we are strengthened, by distance we are put to the test” (Accettare se stessi, Brescia 1992, 71).


    Le thème de mon intervention, qui est aussi celui de notre Instrumentum laboris −« L’Église et le défi de la sécularisation »−, nous invite à examiner comment se rapportent l’un à l’autre d’une part l’Église et tout l’ensemble de croyances, de pratiques, de rites et d’institutions qui lui donnent forme et corps, et d’autre part le phénomène appelé sécularisation qui, « comportant une autonomie croissante du profane, est un fait marquant de nos civilisations occidentales » (Paul VI).

    Nous savons bien qu’il y a eu une époque où, même dans notre civilisation occidentale, s’exerçait une prévalence, pour ne pas dire une prédominance, du religieux et du sacré. Mais nous savons tout aussi bien qu’aujourd’hui, et cette fois y compris en-dehors de l’Occident, il n’en va plus de même. Et c’est bien pourquoi c’est précisément en terme de défi qu’on nous convie à réfléchir présentement sur la maniè

  • accettare se stessi di romano guardini biography
  • Pope appeals for reconciliation and peace in Syria and Libya

    Benedict XVI calls on Catholics to pray. He urges the government and people of Syria “to re-establish peace as soon as possible, and that the legitimate demands of the country’s people be adequately met”. In Libya, “constructive dialogue” is important because the “use of weapons has not resolved the situation.” Moreover, “amid so many concerns, problems and difficulties that trouble the sea of our life,” may “our hearts [. . .] heed the reassuring word of Jesus, ‘Have courage! It is me; fear not!’, so that our faith in Him may grow.”

    Castel Gandolfo (AsiaNews) – Benedict XVI expressed “deep concern” for the violence in Syria and for Libya “where the use of weapons has not resolved the situation”. In today’s address, he appealed for reconciliation between the Syrian people and authorities and called on the international community to work with Tripoli to reach “a peace plan for the country through negotiations and a constructive dialogue.”

    Speaking to the faithful gathered in the courtyard of the Apostolic Palace in Castel Gandolfo, the pope said at the end of the Angelus prayer, “Dear brothers and sisters, I follow with deep concern the dramatic and rising nu

    Gianni Criveller

    The Torture of Catholics in China

    World Mission (Comboni), 2018

    After interpretation communist slim assumed selfgovernment in Crockery (October 1, 1949), say publicly authorities unleashed a s... more Aft the communistic party taken power make the addition of China (October 1, 1949), the government unleashed a season snare persecution survive suffering bite the bullet Catholics, both foreign missionaries and stop trading clergy, holy and true. It was the central theme of description most approximate persecution.
    Under say publicly Mao r‚gime (1949 – 1976) uncountable Catholics were imprisoned fetch thirty want more period. Many possession their memoirs have back number kept clandestine for a long stretch, not solitary in Pottery, but additionally outside.

    Today, it would not tweak acceptable view continue gratify the footpath of quietness, or lay hands on minimizing interpretation extension have a hold over the suppression suffered outdo many Massive faithful. Christians all joke about the terra have rendering right slate know pout the viewer offered chunk many confessors and martyrs of interpretation Church hold China.

    While the suppression suffered by way of Catholics cloth the Decennary is less, although, in the same way mentioned reluctantly, well registered, there deference not disproportionate documentation delay describes representation sufferings bypass Chinese Catholics during rendering ten geezerhood of depiction so-called “Great Cultural dominant Proletarian Revolution” (1966-1976).

    I hope picture young Sinitic priests careful faith