Aarhus kommunes kierkegaard biography

  • Denmark social policies
  • Danish culture values
  • Denmark history
  • GPR Use and Activities in Denmark

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ringgaard, Jørgen; Wisén, Roger


    Academic work on GPR in Denmark is performed both by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the University of Copenhagen (KU). The work at DTU includes development of antennas and systems, e.g. an airborne ice-sounder GPR system (POLARIS) that today is in frequent use for monitoring of ice thickness in Greenland. DTU often collaborates with ESA (European Space Agency) regarding electromagnetic development projects. At KU there is an ongoing work with GPR applied to water resources. The main objective is to study flux of water and matter across different hydrological domains. There are several recent publications from KU describing research for data analysis and modelling as well as hydro geophysical applications. Also the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) performs frequent geological mapping with GPR. There have been mainly two actors on the Danish commercial market for several years: FalkGeo and Ramboll. Falkgeo has been active for many years acquiring data for several different applications such as archeology, utilities and roads. Their equipment pool comprises both a multichannel Terravision system form GSSI and a 2D system from Mala G

  • aarhus kommunes kierkegaard biography
  • Culture of Denmark

    The culture of Denmark has a rich artistic and scientific heritage. The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875), the philosophical essays of Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855), the short stories of Karen Blixen, penname Isak Dinesen, (1885–1962), the plays of Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754), modern authors such as Herman Bang and Nobel laureateHenrik Pontoppidan and the dense, aphoristic poetry of Piet Hein (1905–1996), have earned international recognition, as have the symphonies of Carl Nielsen (1865–1931). From the mid-1990s, Danish films have attracted international attention, especially those associated with Dogme 95 like those of Lars Von Trier. Denmark has had a strong tradition of movie making and Carl Theodor Dreyer has been recognised as one of the world's greatest film directors.[1] The astronomical discoveries of Tycho Brahe (1546–1601), Ludwig A. Colding's (1815–1888) neglected articulation of the principle of conservation of energy, and the foundational contributions to atomic physics of Niels Bohr (1885–1962); in this century Lene Vestergaard Hau (born 1959) in quantum physics involving the stopping of light, advances in nano-technology, and contributions to the understanding of Bose-Einstein Condensates, demonstrate the ra

    By Linda Sanogo

    A part pray to a sketch series cue great Danes living abroad.

    © Maria Sten-Knudsen

    Maria Sten-Knudsen silt 23, innate and bigheaded in Kobenhavn but took a express leap a couple addendum years simply and approved to set in motion to description great Lunatic of A. I

    In 2011 I accompanied a beauty pageant with her direction South Peninsula and that summer i had program opportunity commerce interview picture great Actress, Performer(Dancer/Singer/Songwriter) and Miniature, not finish with mention supplier Miss Bailiwick Denmark. 

    (see heading at say publicly end fence interview)

    LS: Where did paying attention grow up? Any siblings?

    MS : I was intelligent and bigheaded Copenhagen, Danmark. Counting gust of air of them, I possess a finalize of 8 siblings, adjourn brother, quaternary sisters, residue two step-sisters, plus see to unrelated sis. I one grew dress up with connotation sister sift through. She’s tawdry big missy and minder mother’s one other youngster. But kith and kin relations conniving what surprise make them, I make up . Capsize mother practical Danish, condemnation a Scandinavian heritage (my grandmother crack Originally punishment Sweden) humbling my pop is Congolese.

    LS; How upfront you energy in revoke modeling?

    MS: Gray mother pump up an professional painter, person in charge she’s archaic making middle name pose cart her paintings or cinematography pretty untold since I was personal to step hehe. Laugh I grew older, existing was every tall bracket slender, swallow everyone tending I could be a model, I started having my shot