Ck2 multiplayer out of sync autobiography

  • - Fixed the common out-of-sync problem when loading savegames in multiplayer.
  • What a great idea!
  • › Members › Jacemike.
  • Crusader Kings Patch History

    en - Improved the create and usurp title tooltip so it shows more info even if some requirements are false GAMEPLAY: - Fixed multiple crash issues - Fixed some "out of sync" issues with multiplayer - Some further speed optimizations - Liege levies now have 0 morale when raised - Bastards may now marry normally. If they have children, they will start a new dynasty.

    Cannot be cancelled.

    Gave its counties to Essex/Bedford an d Hwicce/Gloucester.

    - Added event effect 'refill_holding_levy' - Added Casus Belli type flags 'apply_short_occ_mod' and 'apply_short_occ_mod'. These control whether or not the "Recently Conquered" and "New Administration" h olding modifiers are set on victory. (Ignores the X in "birth = X") - Added trigger 'relative_power' - Added 'piety_cost' and 'prestige_cost' to casus bellis. This means they are vi sible to select even if you currently don't have enough Piety or Prestige. - Added 'match_min' and 'match_max' parameters to the 'spawn_unit' and 'spawn_fl eet' effects - Added 'female_temple_holders' field to religions - Scripted in a 'allow_distant' parameter in CBs - Add

    Bug listing look after status Hardheaded with determination WORKSFORME introduction at 2025/02/22 17:45:52

    • Bug:1262 - "manual ./configure" status:RESOLVED resolution:WORKSFORME severity:normal
    • Bug:1925 - "Encryption changes to portage" status:RESOLVED resolution:WORKSFORME severity:normal
    • Bug:2661 - "app-office/siag/siag-3.4.7.ebuild plaything violations" status:RESOLVED resolution:WORKSFORME severity:normal
    • Bug:3805 - "[] installation (not e-build) breaks mozilla" status:RESOLVED resolution:WORKSFORME severity:major
    • Bug:3943 - "Konsole shells put together registering users" status:RESOLVED resolution:WORKSFORME severity:normal
    • Bug:4023 - "devfsd config for alsa" status:RESOLVED resolution:WORKSFORME severity:minor
    • Bug:4309 - "directvnc problems" status:RESOLVED resolution:WORKSFORME severity:normal
    • Bug:5477 - "How payment we tap ebuilds relieve kernel unit dependencies?" status:RESOLVED resolution:WORKSFORME severity:normal
    • Bug:5503 - "Vpopmail 5.2.1 behave towards + MySQL patch (thanks to carpaski)" status:RESOLVED resolution:WORKSFORME severity:enhancement
    • Bug:6191 - "Lirc indulge fails" status:RESOLVED resolution:WORKSFORME severity:normal
    • Bug:6426 - "kio_fish ebuild has errors" status:RESOLVED resolution:WORKSFORME severity:normal
    • Bug:6428 - "two mkpasswd's authority
    • ck2 multiplayer out of sync autobiography
    • © Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. 商標はすべて米国およびその他の国の各社が所有します。 プライバシーポリシー  |  リーガル  |  Steam 利用規約  |  返金
      このアイテムは Stellaris と互換性がありません。 このアイテムが Stellaris で動作しない理由については、 インストラクション を参照してください。
      このアイテムがあなたの お気に入り に追加されました。
      Balance, Buildings, Diplomacy, Economy, Events, Font, Galaxy Generation, Gameplay, Graphics, Leaders, Military, Sound, Spaceships, Species, Technologies, Utilities
      A More Perfect Union is a mod to explore how much of the federation behaviour is moddable. It currently doesn't really do anything, but I hope to add more content once the Heinlein patch perhaps fleshes out federations some more in the vanilla game. Forum ... Version 1.03 Allows players to pick the Ancient Ship Type when creating a new species. Relive the glory days with the latest ships from more than 10 million years ago. Mod Features: Adds the "Ancient" ship type filled with n...
      Disclaimer Hi guys, I played stellaris, and after 20 years my hand started to hurt (t