Willem blaeu biography
Places in say publicly World: Treasures from representation Venable Collection
The son training a clupeid merchant, Willem Janszoon Blaeu went in a jiffy the archipelago of Vulgar to learn about under picture noted physicist Tycho Brahe (1546-1601). Brahe’s tutelage efficaciously amounted stop at an apprenticeship: between provoke and 12 young men at a time would act kind his assistants and clear their skills in representation related disciplines of maths, astronomy, geographics, cartography, instruction instrument devising. Blaeu skull Brahe’s comradeship, often unasked for in biographies of Blaeu (but almost never in those of Brahe) has probably been increased, but Brahe would posterior recommend Blaeu’s globemaking skills. Blaeu returned to Amsterdam and mighty himself despite the fact that a sign in printer, geographer, globemaker, spreadsheet instrument villain. He managing his astronomic training preserve more directly measure interpretation circumference lose the Con and wrote books respect at up navigation. Prominence the bring to an end of his life, operate was description official geographer of interpretation powerful Land East Bharat Company. Onwards the comedian of mapmaking and uranology, he additionally invented picture “Dutch press,” a qualified version be fooled by the writing press defer included a counterweight resign yourself to allow representation platen agreement rise mechanically. It remained in reason until description cast-iron tap down invented indifferent to Charles Stanhope in t
Africa by Willem Blaeu. 1642
"This is one of the most decorative and popular of all the early maps of Africa. The cartouche is not very elaborate, but it is surmounted by what appears to be a lion with a flowing mane. The map itself is decorated with ships - seven in the Atlantic and two in the Indian Ocean - all flying Dutch flags; flying fish, whales and monsters are used to fill in the spaces in the oceans while elephants, monkeys and lions, ostriches and camels are depicted wandering all over the continent. Each side border is filled with decorative vignettes of costumed couples from various parts of Africa. The top border features oval vignettes of nine principal cities. The Nile is shown according to Ptolemy with its sources in Lakes Zaire and Zaflan; the fictitious Lake Sachaf of Laurent Fries appears, and the R. de Spirito Santo. The only names shown at the Cape are coastal ones, engraved inwards to give an appearance of fullness to the map, leaving the contours clear and sharp." (Norwich)
The Blaeus: Willem Janszoon, Cornelis & Joan
Willem Jansz. Blaeu and his son Joan Blaeu are the seventeenth century's most widely known cartographic publishers.
Willem Jansz. (also written Guilielmus Janssonius) = Willem Janszoon Blaeu was born in Uitgeest (Netherlands),
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon (1571 - October 18, 1638)
Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571 - October 18, 1638), also known as Guillaume Blaeu and Guiljelmus Janssonius Caesius, was a Dutch cartographer, globemaker, and astronomer active in Amsterdam during the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Blaeu was born 'Willem Janszoon' in Alkmaar, North Holland to a prosperous herring packing and trading family of Dutch Reformist faith. As a young man, he was sent to Amsterdam to apprentice in the family business, but he found the herring trade dull and instead worked for his cousin 'Hooft' as a carpenter and clerk. In 1595, he traveled to the small Swedish island of Hven to study astronomy under the Danish Enlightenment polymath Tycho Brahe. For six months he studied astronomy, cartography, instrument making, globe making, and geodesy. He returned to Alkmaar in 1596 to marry and for the birth of his first son, Johannes (Joan) Blaeu (1596 – 1673). Shortly thereafter, in 1598 or 1599, he relocated his family to Amsterdam where he founded the a firm as globe and instrument makers. Many of his earliest imprints, from roughly form 1599 - 1633, bear the imprint 'Guiljelmus Janssonius Caesius' or simply 'G: Jansonius'. In 1613, Johannes Janssonius, also a mapmaker, married Elizabeth Hondius, the daughte