Uche azikiwe biography of martin

  • Who is the biological father of nnamdi azikiwe
  • 10 facts about nnamdi azikiwe
  • What are the contribution of nnamdi azikiwe?
  • &#;The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the leader. The goal of a great leader is to get people to think more highly of themselves&#;.

    Over the years in Nigeria, we have had leaders who have created lasting impressions in the minds of their followers and have been able to write their name on the &#;sand of time&#;. Zik is one of them.

    Nnamdi  Benjamin Azikiwe popularly referred to as &#;ZIK OF AFRICA&#; was a Nigerian Lawyer, Political scientist and an Elder statesman. He was born on November 16, to Igbo parents who were resident in Zungeru, Northern Nigeria.

    Nnamdi Azikiwe attended various Primary and Secondary schools in Onitsha, Calabar and Lagos state respectively, before proceeding to the University of Pennsylvania, Lincoln university and Columbia university respectively for his various degrees and certificates.

    In Azikiwe returned to Nigeria and worked as an editor and essayist, before actively getting involved in politics. He became a member of the Legislative Council in and later served as Premier of the Eastern Region from to

    At independence from the British colony in , Nnamdi Azikiwe became Governor General of the Nigerian Federation and later became The first President in when Nigeria became a Republic.

    Nnamdi Azikiwe led the

    ISSN                                                     JUly 31,                                           vol. 10 NO. 25

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    The trading of conformation Postgraduate programmes of Nnamdi Azikiwe Academia for say publicly / erudite year has been extensive till 15th of Sep, .

    The Lincoln staff task by that, informed pop in visit representation website: or to update and actuate their records and thought relevant advice for harmony of workers records.

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    Nnamdi Azikiwe

    Nnamdi Benjamin Azikiwe (Ku ma bi ọjọ ẹgwẹfa efu ochu ẹgwaka efu ọdọ tẹ ọjọ ki ochu ẹlu nolu ọjọ m'ẹgwaka efu ọdọ ),[1] ku ma dọ Zik of Africa, che arule uja-ibe yi Nigeria, kpai agboji, anẹle arida ki ch'ukọlọ uña ẹnẹ ẹkẹta kpai ẹnẹdudu ejdudu ki chi governor-general of Nigeria kwefu ọdọ atefu ọdọ mañyi i ñọ chi president of Nigeria ejodudu ẹgba First Nigerian Republic (ọdọ atefu ọdọ ).[2] Ma dọ ki attah Nigerian nationalism abalẹ gẹ ma ñọ mọ ñyọñyọ ri ẹnẹ ogbogaga ki chukpaiyi ki daga ubi independence efu ọdọ [3][4][5]

    Ma bi efu ewo Zungeru efu Niger State abajọ-i ñwù ami Attah kpai Iye ñwu ku che Igbo kwefu ewo Onitsha, Anambra State, Azikiwe kọchẹ alu ku ma ka ichi Hausa ki chè ichi ogbogaga ku ma ka yi ọwọNorthern Region. Ma ñọ mudu lo tugbo okwọ ñwu yi efu ewo Onitsha ugbo ki ch'uñyi ñwu ọmọ lẹ ikochẹ Ichi Igbo.[6] Efu ewo Lagos State ki dẹ jẹ ñwu ki kọchẹ Ichi Yoruba, mañyi ẹgba ki dẹ uñyi ukọchẹ ẹdọ mẹfa, i wa li Ọgwu kpai ichi ichi ojoji mẹta ki dẹ efu Nigeria.[7]

    Azikiwe che ẹnẹ ki-a lo tì ulẹ ñyọñyọ. I ñọ lo ti United States ugbo ku ma dọ ki Ben Azikiwe, taki lo t'uñyi ukọchẹ Storer College, Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania kpai Howard University. I jeñwù a

  • uche azikiwe biography of martin