S robson walton biography of martin

  • Samuel Robson „Rob“ Uolton (yil oktabrda tugʻilgan) – dunyodagi eng yirik chakana savdo doʻkoni Walmart boyligining vorisi amerikalik milliarder.
  • Step into the extraordinary life of Rob Walton, the visionary force behind Walmart's global success.
  • Meet The Real Rob Walton: The Remarkable Story of a Visionary Leader's Rise and Impact and how He Navigate Adversity and Success - Biography of Wealthy People.
  • The Rocky Hatful Auto Collection


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  • s robson walton biography of martin
  • Sam Walton

    American business magnate (–)

    For other uses, see Sam Walton (disambiguation).

    Samuel Moore Walton (March 29, – April 5, ) was an American business magnate best known for founding the retailers Walmart and Sam's Club, which he started in Rogers, Arkansas, and Midwest City, Oklahoma, in and respectively. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. grew to be the world's largest corporation by revenue as well as the biggest private employer in the world.[1] For a period of time, Walton was the richest person in the United States.[2]His family has remained the richest family in the U.S. for several consecutive years, with a net worth of around $ billion US as of January In at the age of 74, Walton died of blood cancer and was buried at the Bentonville Cemetery in his longtime home of Bentonville, Arkansas.

    Early life


    Samuel Moore Walton was born to Thomas Gibson Walton and Nancy Lee, in Kingfisher, Oklahoma. He lived there with his parents on their farm until However, farming did not provide enough money to raise a family, and Thomas Walton went into farm mortgaging. He worked for his brother's Walton Mortgage Company, which was an agent for Metropolitan Life Insurance,[3][4] where he foreclosed on farms during the Great Depression.&

    S. Robson Walton

    Samuel Robson „Rob“ Uolton (yil oktabrda tugʻilgan)&#;– dunyodagi eng yirik chakana savdo doʻkoni Walmart boyligining vorisi amerikalik milliarder. U Helen Uolton va Sem Uoltonning toʻngʻich oʻgʻli boʻlib, yildan yilgacha Walmart raisi boʻlgan. yil mart oyi holatiga koʻra, Uoltonning boyligi 62,0&#;milliard AQSh dollariga teng boʻlib, uni dunyodagi eng boy odamga aylantirdi.[1]

    Hayoti va oilasi

    [tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

    Rob Walton yil oktabrda Oklaxoma shtatining Tulsa shahrida[2][3]Walmart asoschisi Sam Waltonning () va Helen Uoltonning () toʻrt farzandining eng kattasi boʻlib tugʻilgan. Uning Jim Uolton ismli ukasi va singlisi Elis Uolton bor. Yana bir akasi Jon Uolton yilda vafot etdi[4][5][6]

    Uolton Vuster kollejida oʻqigan va Arkanzas universitetini yilda biznes boshqaruvi boʻyicha bakalavr darajasi bilan tamomlagan, u yerda Lambda Chi Alpha birodarligi aʼzosi edi. U yilda Kolumbiyayuridik maktabida huquqshunos doktori darajasini oldi. Walton, shuningdek, Vuster kollejining ishonchli vakili.[7]

    Oʻqishni tamomlagandan soʻng, Walton Oklaxoma shtatiningTulsa shahridagi Walmart, Conner & Winters kompaniyasini himoya qiluvchi yuridik firma aʼzosi boʻldi. U yilda Tul