Robert a coberly jr biography

  • This past weekend we lost another great soldier Mike Coberly.
  • In l, Robert Wedgeworth, Jr., Executive Director of the.
  • Hall of Preeminence (HOF) Over and done with Recipients

    COL(R)Richard L. Fields
    CIVCaterina L. Studer
    MG(R)Edward F. Dorman III
    MG(R)David Bond. Kratzer
    BG(R)Lewis S. Roach
    BG(R)Kenneth L. Penttila
    COL(R)Jeffrey B. Helmick
    CSM(R) John T. Kressley
    MG(R)Peter S. Lennon
    CSM(R)Frank L. Reeves
    CSM(R)Lesly T. McCorkle
    CSM(R)Thomas A. Mott
    CIVJoe A. Fortner
     8th Transportation Group
     th Transportation Company
    MG(R)Jack O'Connor
    MG(R)Luis R. Visot
    BG(R)Mark Scheid
    COL(R)Donald G. Drummer
    CSM(R)Allen B. Offord, Jr.
    COL(R)James Bond. Veditz
    CW5 (R) Michael Wichterman
    BG(R)Brian R. Layer
    COL(R)Mark Henderson
    COL(R)Timothy K. McNulty
    COLJones Ulysses
    LTC(R) James “Jeff” Brown
    CW5(R)William K. Thomas
    CSM(R) Paul J. Nelson
    LTGKathleen M. Gainey
    LTGJack C. Stultz, Jr.
    MGJames Hodge
    CW5Nicholas Attach. Indra
    CSMTomas R. Hawkins
    CSMC. C. Jenkins, Jr.
    CSMJohn L. Upchurch
    CSMSamuel L. Lyons
    CSMDwayne B. Perry
    CIVDonald "Doc" Washburn
    LTGRobert T. Dail
    MGCharles W.
  • robert a coberly jr biography
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    Aaron P Aaker `95
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    Paula Kim Acer `85
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    Robert Ackerman `64
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    Kathryn L Ackers `63
    Becki S Ackley `91
    Darin Eugene Ackley `92
    R Douglas Ackley `71
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    Ramona A Acre `54
    Blair D Adam `88
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    Oral History Collections

    Adams, Charles F.: Chairman of the board of Raytheon Co.; son of Charles Francis Adams, who was Secretary of the Navy during the Hoover administration, 24 pages.

    Aiken, George D.: Governor of Vermont, ; U.S. Senator from Vermont, ; member, First Hoover Commission, 8 pages.

    Akerson, George E., Jr.: Newspaper publisher; son of George E. Akerson, who was assistant to Secretary of Commerce Hoover, , and secretary to President Hoover, 42 pages.

    Albright, Horace M.: Assistant Director, National Park Service, ; Superintendent, Yellowstone National Park, ; Director, National Park Service, 99 pages.

    Albury, Calvin: Key Largo, FL, bonefishing guide to Herbert Hoover,

    1. Herbert Hoover Oral History Program (by Raymond Henle), 30 pages; and
    2. Herbert Hoover Presidential Library (by Thomas T. Thalken), 3 pages.

    Allen, Robert S.: Reporter, Christian Science Monitor, ; chief; Washington bureau, Christian Science Monitor, ; author, with Drew Pearson, ofWashington Merry-Go-Round and More Merry-Go-Round. 20 pages.

    Allen, Victoria (Mrs. Benjamin S.): Husband was London correspondent, Associated Press, ; publicity adviser, Commission for Relief in Belgium, ; Chief, Educa