Prophet muhammad history in urdu
The Lineage of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ (English/Urdu)
The Lineage of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ (English)
Hindi & Urdu Versions are titled as (Virasat-e-Rasoolallah ﷺ, Moula Ali our Aoulad-e-Ali alaihissalam)
The True History of Islam
This Book “The Lineage of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ” is all about what it is subtitled “The true history of Islam”.
Our book describes the circumstances of Huzur’sﷺ inheritance (Virasat e Rasulﷺ), Maula Ali alaihissalam, and from the lineage of Huzur-e-Aqdasﷺ till Maula Ali alaihissalam and twelve Imam till Hazrat Imam Mehdi alaihissalam.
Because our lineage begins from Hazrat Imam Naqi alaihissalam as they are our progenitors, we have given the descriptions of their sacrifices in the path of Islam. We have also described their circumstances.
An Introduction To The Content
The purpose of writing this book is to let the people know the story of torture done on Huzur’sﷺ physical heirs and the nearest companions and the confusion created after the sad demise of Huzurﷺ.
After the Prophet, Hazrat Abubakar Siddiq alaihissalam was crowned as a Caliph. After that Hazrat Umar alaihissalam was given this post and then Hazrat Usman-e-Gani alaihissalam was appointed as a Caliph. He also was mar
Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W Ki Pyari Zindagi
Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W Ki Pyari Zindagi
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