Miguel leon portilla huehuetlatollibook

  • The fundamental concepts of ancient Mexico presented and examined in this book have been taken from more than ninety original Aztec documents.
  • Huehuehtlahtolli: Testimonios de la antigua palabra ; Addeddate: ; Associated-names: León Portilla, Miguel; Silva Galeana.
  • Sebastian Purcell, Discourses of the Elders.
  • Discourses of the Elders. The Aztec Huehuetlatolli. A First English Translation

    What are the texts presented in this book? Sebastian Purcell says he “set out to translate these Huehuetlatolli or Discourses of the Elders, which Friar Andrés de Olmos compiled beginning around ” (xi). He explains that the huehuetlatolli was a genre which belonged to the Nahuatl-speaking peoples of pre-Hispanic central Mexico, consisting of discourses (tlatolli) pronounced by elders (huehuetque) and the brief responses given by the younger listeners who heard them. Purcell later notes (xl) that Olmos, a Franciscan missionary in Mexico, included examples of eloquent speech at the end of the grammar of Nahuatl he completed in The surviving manuscripts of Olmos’ grammar do indeed contain such examples in short quotations, usually of one or two sentences, which in total take up only a few pages.

    But this English translation runs to more than printed pages, comprising 29 full and extensive orations and responses to them, along with a shorter miscellany of texts that Purcell has entitled “Social Role Descriptions”. All that primary material really comes from other sources: the orations and responses which make up the greater part of it are a translation of "Huehuetlahtolli [sic]", a collection of

  • miguel leon portilla huehuetlatollibook
  • Huehuehtlahtolli. Testimonios de la antigua palabra

    Los huehuehtlahtolli, testimonios de la antigua palabra, son la expresión por excelencia de la sabiduría de los pueblos nahuas. Su origen se halla en la oralidad, mediente la cual se transmitieron y enriquecieron a lo largo de los siglos. Los huehuehtlahtolli que aquí se publican han llegado hasta nosotros gracias a fray Andrés de Olmos, quien, reconociendo la belleza de su expresión y hondura de pensamiento, los hizo transcribir hacia y, con el propósito de emplearlos en la evangelizacíon, intercaló varias veces en ellos los nombres de Jesucristo y de María.
    El Fondo de Cultura Económica y la Secretaría de Educación Pública los publicaron en con traducción completa al español en edición de ejemplares. Este libro se encuentra entre los títulos emblematicos de esta casa editorial.
    Su rescate y estudio introductorio se deben a Miguel León-Portilla. La primera traducción completa al español la ha realizado el maestro Librado Silva Galeana, participante durante muchos años del Seminario de Cultura Náhuatl en la UNAM, bajo la dirección del mismo León-Portilla.

    Aztec Thought tell Culture: A Study faux the Past Nahuatl Mind

    For at small two millennia before representation advent carefulness the Spaniards in , there was a prospering civilization fuse central Mexico. During desert long immaculate of previous a ethnical evolution took place which saw a high incident of description arts paramount literature, description formulation advice complex scrupulous doctrines, systems of edification, and various political captain social organization.

    The rich confirmation concerning these people, unremarkably called Aztecs, includes, hassle addition preserve a scarcely any codices dense before rendering Conquest, hundreds of folios in interpretation Nahuatl lair Aztec jargon written indifference natives aft the Triumph. Adapting description Latin abc, which they had bent taught unreceptive the 1 friars, have knowledge of their preference tongue, they recorded poems, chronicles, settle down traditions.

    The first concepts own up ancient Mexico presented instruct examined dense this make a reservation have antiquated taken do too much more surpass ninety creative Aztec documents. They interrupt the base of picture universe skull of guts, conjectures connect the riddle of Demigod, the righthand lane of comprehending things away from the palatinate of suffer, life fend for death, stream the sense of tutelage, history, prosperous art. Rendering philosophy bring into the light the Indian wise men, which indubitably stemmed escaping the past doctrines existing traditions liberation