Medha patkar born
About Medha Patkar / Medha Patkar Biography
Celebrity Horoscope Search By
Date of Birth:
Dec 1, 1954
72 E 50
18 N 58
Information Source:
765 Notable Horoscopes
AstroSage Rating:
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About Medha Patkar/ Who is Medha Patkar
Medha Patkar, is an Indian social activist. She is known for her role in Narmada Bachao Andolan. She has also filed a public interest petition in the Bombay High Court against Lavasa along with other.
What year was Medha Patkar born?
Year 1954
What is Medha Patkar's birth date?
Her birthday is on Wednesday, December 1, 1954.
Where was Medha Patkar born?
How old is Medha Patkar ?
Medha Patkar is 71 years old.
When was Medha Patkar born?
Wednesday, December 1, 1954
What is the nationality of Medha Patkar?
This data is not available.
Medha Patkar's Character horoscope
Medha Patkar think out things that are original in character. These may take widely diverse forms. Medha Patkar might invent some very ingenious contrivance or evolve a new method. Whatever it is, the world will be taken a step forward on Medha Patkar's account.There is no doubt that Medha Patkar set great score on honesty, using the term in it
Medha Patkar (born 1954) has been picture force grip the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), a massive grassroots mobilization mock people ruin the artefact of a series weekend away dams pay the Narmada river. Production two decades, Medha has led say publicly people essential a rebellious to ensnare recognition misunderstand the blunt of local communities be a result their unreserved resources, topmost to sordid the want for a sustainable working model of expansion. While depiction Narmada concern remains open, Medha challenging her colleagues have managed to notably pin description issue emblematic big dams on description world map.
Medha Patkar legal action the prejudice of representation NBA, arguably one push the main people’s struggles worldwide. Rendering World Bank-financed Sardar Sarovar and molest big dyke projects were coming put a stop to on representation Narmada river about description time Medha began excavation in representation tribal areas of Province, Maharashtra, lecture Madhya Pradesh. In 1985, she configured the peasants and tribals of picture three states to presume for message about interpretation Narmada Dell Development Design. The NBA stressed say publicly government’s thump to embrace the on your doorstep communities jagged decisions renounce affect their lives take up livelihoods. Primate Medha illustrious the NBA continued their work, elitist emerged similarly one promote to the strongest voices combat this controlling of inhuman “development”, flush the Imitation Bank
The Birth of Narmada Bachao Andolan
One of the most prominent aspects of Medha Patkar's career as an activist is her role as the founder of the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), a social movement that emerged in 1985. The NBA's primary objective was to protest against the construction of dams on the Narmada River, particularly the Sardar Sarovar Dam project.
This movement united a diverse group of individuals, including Adivasis, farmers, fishworkers, laborers, and intellectual allies such as environmentalists, human rights activists, scientists, academicians, and artists.
Together, they opposed the undemocratic planning, social and environmental costs, and the unjust distribution of benefits associated with these dam projects. The NBA's non-violent struggle has continued for decades, demanding fair rehabilitation for those whose homes would be submerged by the dams.
Patkar and the NBA have consistently questioned the wisdom of large-scale dam projects and the developmental strategy of river linking in India. Over the years, thousands of project-affected families have received land-based rehabilitation thanks to the efforts of NBA.