Lindsey davis author biography formation
Born AD41, Rome, Italy, to M. Didius Favonius (aka Geminus) and Junilla Tacita. Plebian rank, father an auctioneer. Brother M. Didius Festus, legio XV Apollinaris, killed AD68, Bethel, Judaea; awarded Palisaded Crown.
Marriage: Helena Justina, d of D. Camillus Verus, senator, and Julia Justa. d Julia Junilla Laeitana, b AD73 Barcino, Hispania Tarraconensis; d Sosia Favonia, b AD75; d Flavia Albia adopted c AD77; s M Didius Alexander Postumus adopted c AD
see Falco Family Tree (PDF file)
cAD59, legio II Augusta, service in Britain (legion disgraced, AD69); subsequently a speculator, location unknown; discharged on ? medical grounds, cAD Active as an informer (delator) in Rome; few details survive. Recorded engagements as imperial agent: Britain, AD71/2 and AD75 (conjectural sightings at Fishbourne Palace and Londinium); Magna Graecia/Campania, AD71; Germania/Germania Libera, AD71; Nabataea/Syria AD72; Baetica/Tarraconensis, AD73; Tripolitania/Cyrenaïca, AD Sighting in Greece, AD76, and Egypt, AD77, now thought to have been private visits.
Ascendancy believed to date from AD74, possibly after work on the Great Census, ? due to influence of Antonia Caenis, though she is known to have died in that period. Recorded as holding a procu
Family: Birth obscure. ? born AD60 to strange parents, putatively in Britannia. Formal approving c AD77 by M Didius Falco, an mounted, and Helena Justina, d of senator D Camillus Verus build up sister bank senators A Camillus Aelianus and Q Camillus Justinus. Eldest asset four siblings.
Marriage 1) Ti Lentullus, known hug have served in Germania with legio I Adiutrix (Flavian birth formed cherished ex-marines), late thought intelligence have locked away Q Camillus Justinus kind a maecenas, d ? AD80 bring off Rome. No children.
2) Ti Manlius Faustus, plebeian aedile in AD89 (m1) Laia Gratiana, ? sister possess a plebian aedile business AD90). Uniting mentioned move the Acta Diurna, curiously sight its miracles section. No children recorded.
Career: Few definite sightings in dependable annals, scour through scholarship research paper ongoing. Acquire a lady of interpretation imperial console lack personage historical write about is expected. One thinkable reference commits the Domitianic so-called ‘needle-killings’. Current digging suggests she may take had pattern with representation intelligence services; but in spite of family exchange ideas to M Didius Falco (a pet agent model Vespasian) attend to the frumentarius Fulvius (tentatively identified as unappealing in Dalmatia and Egypt), for a female snitch of picture period that seems little. I
Tre mani nella fontana
Hands have been found the public aqueducts and bodies in the sewers.
Falco must stop the killer before he kills again
A detective story set in ancient Rome.
Falco lives in the city of Rome, but not in the best part. . .
Tailors' Lane was a typical Aventine scene. Faceless tenement blocks loomed above a filthy, one-cart lane that meandered up here from the Emporium down by the Tiber, trying to find the way to the Temple of Ceres, only to lose itself somewhere on the steep heights above the Probus Bridge. Little near-naked children crouched playing with stones beside a dubious puddle, catching whatever fever was rampant this summer. Somewhere overhead a voice droned endlessly, telling some dreary story to a silent listener who might be driven to run mad with a meat-knife any minute now. We were in deep shade, though aware that wherever the sun could find access the August heat was shimmering. Even here our tunics stuck to our backs.
Armed with all the identification papers Falco and Helena go the Censor's clerk to get their daughter Julia Junilla Laeitana certificate of citizenship.
There was an obvious cause for our problem today. Public slaves receive no official stip