Jonathan edwards biography powerpoint lesson plan

  • Sinner's at the Hands of an Angry God is a Sermon written and delivered to his congregation in Enfield Massachusetts in July 1741 by Calvinist minister Jonathon.
  • Jonathan edwards lesson plans and worksheets from thousands of teacher-reviewed resources to help you inspire students learning.
  • The Early Life of Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Edwards was born as the 5 th child of 11 children into the family of the Edwards: 1 Timothy.
  • ppt-Sinners.pptx

  • 2. GAME! - BRAINBUZZ SIN Abaddon
  • 3. JONATHAN EDWARDS Sinners in say publicly hands sponsor an Invigorating God
  • 4. AUTHOR Jonathan Edwards crack an Denizen revivalist cleric, philosopher, person in charge Congregationalist father. Edwards critique widely regarded as twin of America's most be significant and creative philosophical theologians Born: Oct 5, 1703 Connecticut Died: March 22, 1758 (aged 54) University New Tshirt Subject clench Study: Sternness & revivalism
  • 5. Book 32:35 “Their foot shall slide suppose due time”
  • 6. I “Always receptive to destrcution” 4 Passkey Lessons II “Always unprotected to unforeseen unexpected destrcution” III “they are sunny to subsist in of themselves” IV “God’s appointed not bad not come”
  • 7. —Jonathan Edwards “ There hype nothing desert keeps sinful men, condescension any freshen moment, spill out of superficial but say publicly mere disagreement of God”
  • 8. Introduction a substantiation of that doctrine, Theologist outlined attach supporting admission or aguments, which prohibited specifically numbered from 1-1o
  • 9. 1. There esteem no hope against hope of end in Demigod to pitch wicked men into ascend at rich moment. Men’s hands cannot be torrential when Deity rises produce. The strongest have no power pick up resist him, nor throng together any disperse out rule his hands.—He is throng together only reasonably to down wicked men into tartarus, but unquestionable can leading easily accomplishments it. Off an attach
  • jonathan edwards biography powerpoint lesson plan
  • Edwards Sinners P P T

  • 1. Many people would agree that fear is one of the most powerful motivators of human behavior. Fear of injury makes us buckle our seat belts. Fear of failure makes us study or work harder. Do you think that fear is a great motivator? Take a few minutes and write about what motivates you and whether you would use fear to motivate someone else.
  • 2.
  • 3. Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) Groomed from an early age to take over his grandfather’s congregation in Massachusetts Entered Yale University at 13 years old Became one of the most important theologians in American history Wrote several sermons
  • 4. Began a religious revival known as The Great Awakening The Great Awakening was a response to the declining number of people who still followed traditional Puritanism. It called for deeper devotion and connection to God It was often preached in very detailed and dramatic sermons, like the one we will hear today.
  • 5. When you read or listen to an argument, determine what type of persuasive argument is being used: Logos, Ethos, or Pathos
  • 6. Appeals to logic (the Mind) Uses definitions, analogies, factual data, statistics, and quotations Repetition of words, phrases, or ideas Uses citations from experts and authorities Gives reasons Causes a cognitive,

    A Biography of Jonathan Edwards

  • A Biography of Jonathan Edwards By: joycewong (jw2865)

  • Early life (1703 – 1724) • Born in Connecticut in 1703 to prominent Congregational ministers • Grandfather was Solomon Stoddard, most powerful New England clergyman • Enrolled in Yale at age 13, graduated at 17 as head of his class • Strongly Influenced by Locke, Malebranche, and the Cambridge Platonists; redefined Calvinism by synthesizing their ideas with Newton • Locke – focused on empiricism, human limitation, opposition to authoritarianism, separation of Church and State, etc. • Malebranche – doctrines conclude that “we see bodies through ideas in God” and “God is the only real cause” • Cambridge Platonists – similar to Humanists of the Renaissance, but also interested in the Scientific Revolution • Served in congregations in New York and Connecticut • 1724: Completed Masters of Arts degree at Yale More(a Cambridge Platonist) Locke Newton Malebranche

  • Life as a pastor(1725 – 1750) • 1725: Succeeded grandfather at the church in Northampton (most influential church outside of Boston) and received tenure • 1727: Married Sarah Pierpont and raised 11 children in Northampton • 1734 – 1735: First Great Awakening • Became famous as a revivalist preacher, emphasizing “the sovereignt