Jonathan edwards biography powerpoint lesson plan
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A Biography of Jonathan Edwards
A Biography of Jonathan Edwards By: joycewong (jw2865)
Early life (1703 – 1724) • Born in Connecticut in 1703 to prominent Congregational ministers • Grandfather was Solomon Stoddard, most powerful New England clergyman • Enrolled in Yale at age 13, graduated at 17 as head of his class • Strongly Influenced by Locke, Malebranche, and the Cambridge Platonists; redefined Calvinism by synthesizing their ideas with Newton • Locke – focused on empiricism, human limitation, opposition to authoritarianism, separation of Church and State, etc. • Malebranche – doctrines conclude that “we see bodies through ideas in God” and “God is the only real cause” • Cambridge Platonists – similar to Humanists of the Renaissance, but also interested in the Scientific Revolution • Served in congregations in New York and Connecticut • 1724: Completed Masters of Arts degree at Yale More(a Cambridge Platonist) Locke Newton Malebranche
Life as a pastor(1725 – 1750) • 1725: Succeeded grandfather at the church in Northampton (most influential church outside of Boston) and received tenure • 1727: Married Sarah Pierpont and raised 11 children in Northampton • 1734 – 1735: First Great Awakening • Became famous as a revivalist preacher, emphasizing “the sovereignt