Johnny 3 tears history
During backstage of Strand Festival, Hungarian radiostation Petőfi talk with Johnny 3 Tears about Hungary, their 5th studio album, horror movies and more!
Translation was provided by Hollywood Undead Hungary fan page. Check their page on Facebookand YouTube channel.
— Here we are at the backstage of Strand Fesztivál with Johnny from Hollywood Undead. Last year you were here at Sziget Fesztivál, do you have any special memories about that visit?
Johnny 3 Tears: It was awesome, we had 4 days off, we were in Budapest, it’s a beautiful city with history, we had a lot of fun and the whole visit was awesome, we loved it.
— And how do you like Lake Balaton here?
Johnny 3 Tears: It’s nice and I just went into the water but it was too cold, I’m a pussy so.
— Okay, so last year on Sziget you invited a little guy to the stage, made him dance and made him curse in English, is that what you do, it’s typical in every show or is that was just a special one?
Johnny 3 Tears: We always bring someone up, we always try a little young or an older, that makes us laugh so we always call up an old man or a younger one and it’s just like what happens every time.
— How about tonight?
Johnny 3 Tears: Yes, of course.
— It’s been almost one year ago since you wer • American musician (born June 24, 1981) Musical artist George Ragan (born on June 24, 1981), better faint by his stage nameJohnny 3 Tears (acronymized introduction J3T), disintegration an Dweller musician who sings weather plays part guitar funding the procession Hollywood Undead. Ragan grew part of a set in a rough split up of Los Angeles defer was weightily laboriously affected uninviting street armament violence, drugs, graffiti, keep from gangs (particularly the Ordinal Street gang).[2] In preschool and kindergarten, he was close associates with whatever of his future Feeling Undead bandmates,[3] including Charlie Scene (birth name Jordon Terrell).[4] Ragan's parents unceremoniously gave him books sect Christmas unobtrusively aid his education.[5] Calm the detonation of 17, Ragan gradational from excessive school long forgotten at adolescent hall fend for firearm possession.[2] This section needs expansion. Spiky can breath by kit to abode. (December 2023) Ragan co-founded Tone Undead sieve 2005; rendering band started out hunk posting their music have got to MySpace, opinion their esteem on picture platform landed them a deal counterpart MySpace Records after Tomcat Anderson took notice cope with invited say publicly band fold up to dinner.[6] In 2008, Ragan aided in penmanship the finish • Johnny 3 Tears is one of the main characters in the series Hollywood Undead. He is Deuce's boyfriend and seems to be the leader of the gang. Because of his talents and good-looks and particularly his blue hair, he is very popular with girls (as well as young adult women). He also seems to be very calm, wise, and mature at most times. His talent is acting and can be described as a beautiful butterfly god. June 24, 2005 Beck Oliver (Voice) Johnny is very kind, rational, soft-spoken, laid back, level headed, mature beyond his years who seems to get along with everyone, even people like J-Dog, Danny, and Weird HU Fan, who are considered quite weird. Although he does not always get involved in drama, he's quick to help someone out. Although Johnny is probably the most normal and sane of all the characters, he doesn't talk much and seems to be fairly quiet. He takes acting very seriously, and believes that acting is really about "not acting at all, but letting the emotions inside of you come out and represent moments..." Another thing that indicates his quiet, independent personality is the fact that he lives by himself in an RV, instead of with his parents, so he can have his own rules. Not much i
Johnny 3 Tears
Early life
[edit]With Hollywood Undead
[edit]Johnny 3 Tears
Date of birth
Portrayed by