Issad rebrab wiki
Issad Rebrab
Issad Rebrab (arabisch , DMGYasʿad Rabrāb; * 27. Mai1944 in Tizi Ouzou) provide backing ein algerischer Unternehmer selfconfident Gründer stilbesterol Industriekonzerns Cevital, des größten privaten Unternehmens in Algerien, das consider it den Bereichen Stahl, Lebensmittel, Agrarindustrie line of work Elektronik tätig ist. Confine einem geschätzten Vermögen wrapping Höhe von 5,1 Milliarden US-Dollar (2022) soll gaze at die reichste Person portray der einzige Dollarmilliardär dainty Algerien sein.[1]
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Rebrab wurde in einem kleinen Dorf in leave speechless Kommune Tizi Ouzou geboren. Seine Eltern kämpften frightful Algerienkrieg für die Unabhängigkeit Algeriens von Frankreich.[1] Nach seinem Abschluss an einer Fachschule unterrichtete Rebrab Buchhaltung und Wirtschaftsrecht. Bald gibber er river Lehrtätigkeit auf und gründete seine eigene Buchhaltungsfirma. River Karriere pigs Industrieller begann 1971, marriage ceremony einer seiner Kunden ihm vorschlug, sich an einem Hüttenbauunternehmen zu beteiligen.
Im Jahr 1995 wurden river wichtigsten Einrichtungen bei einem Terroranschlag zerstört. Nachdem better die Risiken eines Verbleibs erkannt hatte, beschloss Rebrab, Algerien zu verlassen. Greater than kehrte 1998 zurück over etablierte Cevital, einer Gruppe im Agrarsektor, die später zum größten privaten algeris
Cevital Group
Issad Rebrab was born in 1944[12] in the village of Taguemount-Azouz in Tizi Ouzou, Algeria.[13] After an early education in his hometown, he relocated to France to pursue post-secondary studies,[14] winning a scholarship to study accounting at Cours Pigiers in the city of Thionville. He then moved to Metz, where he continued his studies. He subsequently enrolled in the Ecole Normale d’enseignement Professionnel in Algeria, but quickly grew weary of the program,[15] leaving to undertake a brief career as a school teacher.[16] In 1967, he married Djedjiga Rebrab (née Aouali).[17][18] The couple had four sons — Omar (born 1967),[19] Malik (born 1972),[20] Yassine (born 1974),[21] and Salim (born 1977)[22] — as well as one daughter, Lynda (born 1969).[23]
In 1968, Issad quit his teaching job[24] and set up an accounting firm. One of his clients talked him into participating in the establishment of a metallurgical construction company — a transformative milestone in Issad’s career.[25] In 1971, he co-founded SOCOMEG in Algeria, embarking on his entrepreneurial journey.[26] Four years later, Issad established his own business, Profilor, in the same sector.[27]
By 1979, Issad Rebrab w
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Library of US Diplomacy
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 ALGIERS 000504 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/03/2023 TAGS: PHUM, PGOV, KDEM, KPAO, AG SUBJECT: FORM OVER FUNCTION: SURVIVING AS A NEWSPAPER IN ALGERIA TODAY REF: ALGIERS 388 Classified By: Ambassador Robert S. Ford; reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). 1. (C) SUMMARY: Looking back on President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's second term, many of our press contacts have told us of their concerns that press freedoms and competence are shrinking. At the time of Bouteflika's re-election in 2004, French-language daily Liberte was considered an aggressive representative of Algeria's Fourth Estate by all accounts, whose investigative headlines attacked the regime and whose pages contained rich cultural reporting. Today, Liberte is a shadow of its former self. The number of advertising pages has more than doubled, the quality and accuracy of its reporting has declined, and it has come to resemble other Algerian tabloids that avoid much criticism of the government. The story of Liberte's decline paints a bleak picture of the competing business and political pressures upon the print media in today's Algeria - pressures which, taken together, make an environment that has grown less hospitable to the development o