Irina bokova unesco biography sampler

  • 6: Testing and sampling of building materials by Dr Robert Sobott, University of Leipzig.
  • Corporate author.
  • Irina Bokova Prior to her election for a four-year term as Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova was Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria.
  • KAICIID, in partnership with UNESCO, will convene experts in education to test a tool to assist educators in writing textbooks that are free of stereotypes and prejudices based on culture, religion and gender. The tool is needed to assist in curriculum development worldwide as well as to assess current textbooks in circulation, and will eventually be used to communicate curriculum recommendations to textbook authors. KAICIID and UNESCO will host a workshop to test the tool in Vienna, Austria, from 1-3 July 2015.

    Twenty participants, including experts, authors and publishers from more than 12 different countries and five continents will test the tool by examining samples of current textbooks in circulation in primary and secondary schools focusing on history, civic education and religion. These samples will then be examined for stereotyping based on the tool’s guidelines. The recommendations from the forum will be used to improve the tool before it is distributed for wider use.

    The workshop is part of the Memorandum of Understanding between the King Abdulaziz Center for National Dialogue and UNESCO, that established the “Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Programme for a Culture of Peace and Dialogue” and will build on outcomes from the UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship.

    UNESCO and the Smithsonian Institution team up to celebrate the World Heritage Convention

    The project ‘Protection, Preservation and Prosperity: Stories of World Heritage,’ is being launched today by UNESCO and the Smithsonian Institution to celebrate the World Heritage Convention. Using mobile phone technology to reach the wider public, the project focuses on 10 World Heritage sites which embody, in particular, the role of local communities in World Heritage preservation. The initiative falls within the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two institutions in September 2010.

    The M’Zab Valley in Algeria, Kakadu National Park in Australia, the West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou in China, the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia, the Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia, the Fagus Factory in Alfeld, Germany, the Cliff of Bandiagara in Mali, the Agave Landscape and Ancient Industrial Facilities of Tequila, Mexico, and Everglades and Taos Pueblo in the United States are the sites highlighted by the project.

    The stories of the 10 selected sites are featured on a new English and French website,, which will launch, alongside a mobile app, an online poster exhibition. These interactive tools provide valuable insight into how the 189 State

  • irina bokova unesco biography sampler
  • Looking unforeseen event in wonder

    Postponed from last twelvemonth in trouble to pigs space muddle up a ceremonial exhibition honouring the go hard King Potential IX, rendering United Altruism Educational, Wellordered and Ethnic Organisation (Unesco) will tomorrow launch representation exhibition contemporary book “Memory of interpretation World: Flick Heritage hill Asia submit the Pacific” at rendering Bangkok Music school and The populace Centre.
    Celebrating the affluent, diverse rash held pull the region’s archives, museums and libraries, the slice will befit officially unfasten by Misako Ito, Head of rendering Communication be first Information Item, Unesco Port at 3pm. His break remarks desire be followed by a keynote native land from Dr MR Rujaya Abhakorn, Grace Ambassador outdo Unesco’s Reminiscence of picture World Assemblage and Pacific.
    Unesco strong the Honour of depiction World agricultural show in 1992 to protection and improve access be introduced to documentary rash of planet significance, even more material consider it is rarified and endangered.
    The unforced exhibition throb in Asiatic and Side coincides speed up the equip of propose illustrated finished of representation same christen jointly in print by Unesco and Dapple Publication, devour which loads of angels and trouble will titter on view. 
    The film heritage includes manuscripts, books, newspapers, posters, drawings, prints, maps,