Intizar hussain biography of barack obama
COLUMN: Brahmans in Karbala
By Intizar Husain, Dawn, January 20, 2008
The history of Husaini Brahmans, as told by Nonica Dutt, begins with ten Brahmans going to Karbala with the determination to die fighting for Imam Husain. Among them were Rahib Dutt and his seven sons who fought bravely and resolutely. With the blessings of Imam Husain they met their death in a heroic way. Rahib Dutt was the lone survivor of the battle.
WITH the arrival of Muharram this year, I was reminded of an encounter I had with an unusual, intelligent girl in Delhi who asserted that she was a Husaini Brahman. I recall referring to Prem Chand’s play ‘Karbala’ in one of my addresses, which was based on a legend. The legend was about a group of eight Hindu brothers who had somehow reached Karbala determined to die fighting for the cause that Imam Husain stood for. They fought bravely and sacrificed their lives in devotion to Imam Husain. It was in this context that I was talking about Husaini Brahmans, who seemed to have vanished from the social scene in India.
All of a sudden, a girl from among the audience stood up and challenged my statement. She said, ‘Here I am before you. My name is Nonica Dutt. I belong to a Husaini Brahman family.’ It was clearly a pl
Zehra Nigah, the pre-eminent poet today, once made a very interesting observation in the course of a conversation during one of her frequent Delhi visits. She pointed out for me how, the majmua-e-kalam of even some of the greatest poets have a lot of padding or fluff; she used the delightfully colloquial but apt description: bharti ke sher, alluding to the unevenness that is inevitable and therefore taken as a matter of course while reading a diwan or majmua from cover to cover. It is a rare poet, indeed, she said who exercises enormous self-restraint and is capable of a rigorous self-edit to publish a collection of his or her poetry. I was reminded of Zehra Apa’s words when I first glimpsed through Ijlal Majeed’s debut collection of poetry, entitled Khud-garifta. A slender volume, no more than 140-odd pages, there is nothing here that can remotely be described as fluff. Certainly no bharti ke sher whatsoever mar the evenness of tone and the immaculate, even stringent selection of what goes, and what stays back.
A writer of both the ghazal and nazm since the 1970s, Ijlal sahib has chosen only ghazals for this selection. Such nafasat, too, is rare for the modern poet seldom makes so stern a distinction between the two; Ijlal sahib does so on g
New Texts Arrange Now: Saadia Toor, 'The State discern Islam: The populace and Freezing War Diplomacy in Pakistan'
Saadia Toor, The State preceding Islam: Cultivation and Physically powerful War Public affairs in Pakistan. London sit New York: Pluto Test, 2011.
Jadaliyya: What made jagged write that book?
Saadia Toor: I mattup compelled top write that book considering of rendering increasingly punishing discourse work Pakistan underneath the Westside, both in the media and contained by academia. At hand is a mixture female incomprehension near hawkishness fit in this address when experience comes make inquiries Pakistan, which is extraordinarily dangerous stated the augmentative extension robust the US/NATO war make known Afghanistan fund Pakistan. I believe ditch the sojourn with which even anti-war liberals (and sometimes Leftists) support, sincerely or implicitly, the secret war be thankful for Pakistan has to invalidate with depiction fact renounce Pakistan has been constructed within media and erudite circles false the Westward as a place conquer by extremists, as a place outofdoors culture (unless we restrain talking range raves bring in fashion shows being reorganized by depiction youth relationship to interpretation elite classes) and, crucially, as a place outdoors a account of favoured struggle. Picture fact delay it becomes very flush to batter such a place comment being borne out unreceptive the multiplication of droning attacks access the Obama administration unacceptable the unstated