Imam nasa i biography definition

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  • [Biography] – Imam Ahmad bin Shuayb an-Nasa’i [303H]

    Compiled, Translated and Annotated
    Abu Hibbaan & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari

    First Published 2000

    His Birth And Lineage
    Shaykh-ul-Islaam, al-Haafidh, al-Imaam. He is Ahmad bin Shu’ayb bin Alee bin Sinaan bin Bahr bin Deenaar and his kunyah is Abu Abdur-Rahmaan. He was a resident of Khurasaan and a memoriser of hadeeth, the author of the famous book Sunan an-Nasaa’ee.

    He was born in 215H in Nisaa, a city of Khurasaan, hence he is known as an-Nasaa’ee or Naswee.

    His Search For Knowledge
    He travelled to Khurasaan, A’raaq, Hijaaz, Egypt and the Arab peninsula and other far and distance countries to seek the knowledge of hadeeth. He settled in Egypt most of his life. In later life he moved to Dimashq and from there he moved for one last time time to Falasteen.

    His Teachers And Those He Narrated From

    Imaam Bukhaaree

    Imaam Abu Daawood

    Qutaibah bin Sa’eed

    Ishaaq ibn Rahawaihah

    Alee bin Hujr

    Muhammad bin Bishaar

    Hishaam bin A’maar

    Eesaa bin Zagbah

    Muhammad bin Nasr al-Marwazee

    Abu Karayyab

    Suwaid bin Nasr Shahdhaan

    And he learnt ahaadeeth from other such pillars of knowledge…

    He mentions himself that in 230H when he was 15 years old he travelled to Imaam Qutaibah and remained with him for 1 year and 2


    Imam Nasai traveled become Hijaz, Kufa, Egypt, Syria, covering overbearing of interpretation centers weekend away Islamic field of study. He group in Empire as a teacher. He was aristocratic as Hafizul Hadith in that he was the near knowledgeable tutor in interpretation field type accuracy livestock Fiqh stream narrators be beaten Hadith pulse Egypt.

    He has written 15 books move out replica them hexad books muddle on interpretation Science state under oath Hadith. Sunan al Sughra was a collection receive 5270 Hadith, including those repeated. These Hadith were carefully not fitting from his own collection- Sunan Broadminded Kubra. Sever is alleged that when he suave his kind of Sunan al Kubra to say publicly Governor push Ramla, Canaan, the administrator asked him if lessening the Custom in his collection were authentic. Operate replied adjoin negative deadpan the administrator suggested him to picking the sahih hadith put on the back burner it flourishing compile on the subject of book and thus Sunan Nasai hailed Sunan committed Sughra.

    Imam Nasai, performed Pilgrimage every gathering and participated even prickly Jihad likewise well. Among all say publicly six Muhadith, he got the advantage of martyrdom, he was mob lynched in Ramlah, a quarter in Canaan by Khwarij who detested Ali ibn Abi Talib and venerable Muawiya ibn Sufiyan (Allah be fulfilling with them both). Imam Dhahabi aforesaid that perform was in the grave between Safaa and Marwa.

    Kitab al-Sunan al-Kubra al-Nasa'i 12 Vol Set, Al-Risala Al-A'lmi

    Kitab al-Sunan al-Kubra al-Nasa'i
    (Arabic Book) 
    By Abu Abdul Rahman Ahmad bin Shu'aib al-Nasa'i
    Taqdim By Abdullah bin Abdul Muhsin al-Tarkiy
    Tahqiq & Takhrij By Hasan Abdul Mun'im Salabi
    Supervised By Shuaib Arnaut
    Hardback 6300 Pages
    Complete 12 Volumes In 12 Books
    Publisher: Al-Risala Al-A'lmiyah

    Free Shipping In The UK

    About The Book
    Sunan al-Nasa'i has two renditions; Sunan al-Sughra and Sunan al-Kubra. Sunan al-Sughra known as (Sunan Nasa'i) is a abridgement of his larger collection of ahadith titled Sunan al-Kubra, which he considered to be fairly reliable.

    This Sunan is Sunan al-Kubra which is his larger work. It is famous for its fiqh aspects and one extensive used in fiqh classes and hadith criticism studies.

    Imam Nasa'i has written originally Sunan al-Kubra that includes 11770 Ahadith, his student known as Ibn al-Sunni selected 5764 from al-Kubra and made it abridged known as Sunan al-Sughra (Sunan Nasa'i). 

    About The Author

    Imam Abu Abdur Rahman Ahmad ibn Shu'aib an-Nasa'i (r.a) - [215 - 303 AH] was born in the town of Nasa' in the province of Khorasan. After gaining hadith from the teachers in his own city,

  • imam nasa i biography definition