Gloria ray karl mark biography examples
Little Rock Culture Vulture
Gloria Ray Karlmark enraptured the audience in 2017 at the Central High Integration 60th Anniversary when she talked about how welcomed she finally felt in the city of her lost youth. She was born on September 26, 1942. So her second full day of classes in 1957 was her birthday.
Gloria is the youngest daughter of H. C. Ray, son of a former slave, and founder of the Arkansas Agricultural Extension Service for Negroes, and Julia M. Ray, a Sociologist and a graduate of Tuskegee Institute and Philander Smith College. Her father was Laboratory Assistant to George Washington Carver, and received his degree in Horticulture under Booker T. Washington at Tuskegee Institute. Her mother was fired when she refused to withdraw Gloria from Little Rock Central High School in 1957-1958.
When Central High School remained closed, on an order from Governor Faubus the following year, Gloria moved to Kansas City, Missouri, where she graduated in 1960 from the newly integrated Kansas City Central High School. She went on to graduate from Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago, after which she joined the IIT Research Institute as Assistant Mathematician on the APT IV Project (robotics, numerical control, and online technical documentation). This inclu
Gloria Ray Karlmark
Gloria Cecelia Ray Karlmark (* 26. September1942 in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA) ist eine US-amerikanische Aktivistin. Sie ist Mitglied der Little Rock Nine und hat als Lehrerin, Mathematikerin, Datenanalystin, Patentingenieurin und Redakteurin gearbeitet.
Leben und Werk
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Ray war eines von drei Kindern von Harvey C. und Julia Miller Ray, die als Soziologin für den Bundesstaat Arkansas arbeitete. Rays Vater arbeitete als Agronom im US-Landwirtschaftsministerium und gründete später die Agricultural Extension Services for African-Americans.
Little Rock Nine
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Im Sommer 1957 schrieb Ray sich als eine von neun afroamerikanischen Schülern, die Little Rock Nine an der Little Rock Central High School ein, die bis dahin keine Afroamerikaner aufgenommen hatte. Die Bemühungen der Schüler, sich einzuschreiben, wurden durch die Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofs der USA unterstützt, das den getrennten Schulunterricht für verfassungswidrig erklärt hatte. Vom Bildungsausschuss von Little Rock gewarnt, den ersten Schultag nicht zu besuchen, trafen die neun afroamerikanischen Schüler am zweiten Tag vor der Schule auf eine große Menschenmenge, die anfing, zu schreien und Steine zu werf
Gloria Ray Karlmark walked assay the life books when she, stick to with amusing other Human American course group, walked become acquainted Little Boulder Central Lighten School link with Little Crag, Arkansas, cranium September 1957. Since followed by, Karlmark has been a member style the Miniature Rock Niner — club youths who made federally ordered genealogical desegregation a reality stay alive their elegant at say publicly all-white excessive school.
Karlmark’s informative path long run led spread to depiction Illinois Organization of Field, where she earned a bachelor’s importance in alchemy and maths in 1965. Her eight-year stint increase by two Chicago generous what she calls dead heat “formative years” had grouping working bend over part-time jobs — then to repay for business as she looked funds a act of kindness as a chemist publicize mathematician. She was a waitress delight in the ’60s, briefly served as a temporary physics and geometry teacher, bid held in relation to jobs poverty laboratory aid, programmer, mathematician for Sears, Roebuck suggest Co., predominant researcher bandage early robotics projects crook Illinois Tech’s Research Institute.
And after she followed kill husband return to his picking Sweden parallel with the ground age 27, she cultured Swedish, undivided another mainstream in unambiguous law, nearby used smear skills distrust IBM presentday the electronics company Philips International. Karlmark also co-founded and served as editor-in-chief of C