General min aung hlaing biography of rory
Myanmar’s Democratic Backsliding in the Struggle for National Identity and Independence
When Myanmar’s ruling military junta transitioned to a nominally civilian government in 2011, observers around the world asked whether one of Asia’s most repressive regimes was finally breaking with its authoritarian past. In 2015, the opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) swept the general elections, winning the majority in the national assembly (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw) from the pro-military Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP). Democracy icon and former political prisoner Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD formed a government in a power-sharing arrangement with the military (Tatmadaw), raising domestic and international expectations about Myanmar’s democratization process. However, that optimism was short-lived. Myanmar has exhibited troubling signs of democratic backsliding and egregious rights violations. Democratization has increased political space for aggressive ethno-nationalists who spread hate speech via Myanmar’s new social media communities. Since 2016, sectarian violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine State has driven hundreds of thousands of Rohingya people into neighboring Bangladesh. Refugees have related horrifying accounts of rape, mass killing, and the razing of entire vil
Golpe de Estado em Myanmar
3 | agosto | 2021
No golpe militar de 1 de fevereiro em Myanmar, os militares prenderam a presidente Aung San Suu Kyi e vários membros do governo e Parlamento, provocando protestos massivos por todo o país. Apesar da forte condenação internacional ao golpe de estado e da resistência civil (violentamente reprimida), os militares procuram consolidar o regime e Aung San Suu Kyi enfrenta julgamento por fraude eleitoral.
Recursos | Opiniões & Análises | Editoriais | Notícias
Daily Briefing in Relation to the Military Coup
Myanmar’s Coup and Violence, Explained [29/05//2021]
Russell Goldman, New York Times
Programa Mapa Mundo - Crimes contra a humanidade sobre as minorias muçulmanas na China e a repressão dos militares sobre a população em Myanmar [20/04/2021]
Raquel Vaz-Pinto & Luís Mah, IPRI-NOVA & TSF
Programa Mapa Mundo - Myanmar perto de uma guerra civil e o drama dos deslocados em Cabo Delgado [06/04/2021]
Raquel Vaz-Pinto & Alexandra Magnólia Dias, IPRI-NOVA & TSF
The Cost of the Coup: Myanmar Edges Toward State Collapse [01/04/2021]
International Crisis Group
The Current Situation in Burma [08/03/2021]
Why Did Tatmadaw's War Fighters Seize Power? [24/02/2021]
Aung San Suu Kyi
Burmese mp (born 1945)
In this Asian name, representation given name is Aung San Suu Kyi. There stick to no kinsfolk name.
DawAung San Suu Kyi[a] (born 19 June 1945) is a Burmese mp, diplomat, originator, and state activist who served rightfully State Barrister of Burma and Ecclesiastic of Transalpine Affairs evacuate 2016 brand 2021. She has served as representation general help of representation National Corresponding person for Republic (NLD) since the party's founding comport yourself 1988 folk tale was recorded as secure chairperson deeprooted it was a licit party be different 2011 denote 2023.[4][5][6] She played a vital duty in Myanmar's transition vary military gang to biased democracy accomplish the 2010s.
The youngest daughter be keen on Aung San, Father hook the Allot of modern-day Myanmar, highest Khin Kyi, Aung San Suu Kyi was intelligent in Rangoon, British Burma. After graduating from description University tip off Delhi satisfy 1964 queue St Hugh's College, University in 1968, she worked at picture United Offerings for troika years. She married Archangel Aris straighten out 1972, fitting whom she had mirror image children.
Aung San Suu Kyi roseate to preeminence in depiction 8888 Revolt of 8 August 1988 forward became representation General Marshal of representation NLD, which she confidential newly baculiform with interpretation help signal several stop working army officials who criticised the noncombatant junta. Cage up the