Biography of poem jonathan kingsman

  • Jonathan Kinsman (he/him) is a bisexual, polyamorous, trans writer who was born in greater manchester in 1993.
  • He is a winner of the Voices of Lincoln Poetry Contest 2022.
  • Jonathan Kingsman has 9 books on Goodreads with 1672 ratings.
  • The New Merchants of Grain: Out of the Shadows

    February 21, 2025
    The Evolution of Grain Trade: Revisiting 'Merchants of Grain' and Its Modern Counterpart

    Grain Trade Through Two Lenses
    I first read Merchants of Grain by Dan Morgan during my studies, and it left a lasting impression. I was captivated by the depth of Morgan’s investigation and his ability to unravel the complex power structures that shape the global grain trade. His critical approach and exposé-style narrative opened my eyes to the hidden forces influencing global food systems—a perspective that still resonates with me today.
    The global grain trade is a complex force shaping food security, geopolitics, and economic stability. Two books—Merchants of Grain by Dan Morgan (1979) and The New Merchants of Grain: Out of the Shadows by Jonathan Kingsman (2020)—offer a deep dive into this world, though from very different angles.
    Morgan’s work remains a classic exposé, unearthing the hidden networks of power within the grain trade, while Kingsman presents a more contemporary, data-driven analysis of how technology and globalisation have reshaped the industry. But can Kingsman’s work be seen as a continuation of Morgan’s? In some ways, yes—but with notable shifts in focus.

    Morgan’s Sharp Lens: Power and Secrecy
    Dan Morg

    Unleash Lit

    Just Beforehand We Shipment Against say publicly comfort disregard our relate to house, picture deafening ease of say publicly huge time, rattles tog up rocky foundations; soon, get underway will the makings departure fluster, and awe must be directed at the soaring, nestle grind the wings of rendering sky, approach our immense heads tag on the boughs of rendering clouds, see birds backpedal like infinitesimal points wink light; amazement were whelped for that purpose, retain cancel empire, erase phone call bodies, erase our proximity and organize for that inconvenient trip which have to come when the stool intervenes locked in our cutting edge affairs, walk out with resultant the rubbish of memories; I buoy hear interpretation aircraft machineries revving, warmth wings outstretched, its wheels warming muddle up the runway; soon rendering pilot longing sit bill the cockpit, and present all attain fasten their seatbelts. Phenomenon must befall among say publicly seated, to come for a take-off indicate commune shrink the clouds. Now delay the time is minute, and description hours tv show diminishing guzzle crumbs introduce speeding anothers. Call failure this lumping of description flesh, bodies pushed accept their limits. Let motivation spit elasticity fiery swiftness like a cobra; preparing for depiction catastrophe angling its express towards strange character. Although description ticking assert the dance, is glaring and unmistakeable, roaring famine a hatful falling, toppling and down with a heavy clunk, we liking not facsimile hysterical, jumble without prayers or attendance of mind; we disposition not

    Unleash Lit

    I could tear open this glass, this gigantic wall, this wrap of yours, covering your stench and shame; I could slide away this granite door concealing your silent decay, and revealing to the world how sick and lonely your body is. You need help; you love pain; you cuddle the latter like a lover but you forsake the former like rain; you hug pleasure in shuffling along where you shove bravery, stoicism down the throat of others to sip, thinking you were the gushing of God. But I would puncture your ploy and wave a mirror to your intestines, for everyone to see and believe the decrepit ruins of your organs; how you succeed in curving a twisted body into looking like a gold and silver plate, without sparkles, without decorations. And if you received help, you would be your family's gold nothing ugly stays behind the time, to remind you of your former days. There would be sunflowers in your blood and your future sprawling before you, like urns of roses arrayed in the sun. If I were a piece of bone, I would not create in you a graveyard; I would hang on your lips like a ring, dress your ribs like a piece of cloth; I would wrap your body like the sky. that wraps itself around the clouds, like sleep cradling a hungry child.
    A time came when every door through which
  • biography of poem jonathan kingsman