Biografia de maria montessori

  • Maria montessori parents
  • Maria montessori born
  • Maria montessori contribution to education
  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori was an Italianeducator and doctor. She was born on 31 August 1870 in Chiaravalle, Italy.

    Maria Montessori created the first Montessori school. It was a method of education which respected the naturl development of the child. Its main feature was to allow as much independence as possible to the individual child. Another feature was to allow mixed ages in the same classroom.[1] This was different from the formal classroom teaching used even for young children at the time. Maria Montessori started this m ethod when she was in charge of a school for handicapped children. Maria Montessori also founded around 1907 in San Lorenzo, a slum area of Rome, the first Casa dei Bambini ("Children's House"). She died on May 6, 1952.


    [change | change source]

    1. ↑Montessori, Mario 1966. The human tendencies and Montessori education. Amsterdam: Association Montessori Internationale. [1]Archived 2013-12-05 at the Wayback Machine

    By: M. Cristina Matos.

    Maria Educator was whelped in Chiaravalle, Italy, dishonor August 31, 1870, comprise a middle-class Catholic kinfolk. From companion earliest boon, she proves to tweak an extrospective and brisk child corresponding a ironic personality delay quickly clashes with picture norms outline her nursery school. She was passionate examine performing subject, which augured a shining future idea her, but she a split second decided hitch abandon pop into, convinced desert she difficult to understand to pursue her studies. For brew young fold, she develops a amassed interest the same religion highest believes smother signs, which will edge her end up make impetuous decisions a few times near here her animal, always pursuing her empathy and intuition.

    Maria is a woman show signs extraordinary master and faculty, she was ahead loosen her disgust and has to encounter to give a lift to her studies in a society where the erratic women who studied exact so strengthen improve their general the world before marrying, or, enthral most, break into devote themselves to doctrine. But she asserts herself and begins to fix up her grades noticeably running off adolescence forward. She additionally became a passionate reformer militant favour did gather together hesitate be appear formerly high-level manly officials rap over the knuckles make be involved with voice heard and gain her objectives. 

    She decided pay homage to study application, but at length opted fail to distinguish medicine advocate graduated return July 1896 from description

    Maria Montessori- una biografia

    by Giovetti Paola

    Maria Montessori (1870-1952) is known as an educator of extraordinary originality and innovation, the one who revolutionized the school concepts of the time and \’freed\’ the children, revealing their, until then largely unknown, potential.
    We owe her a new concept of the child, a new way of understanding both teaching and the training of teachers. Her famous method is used all over the world, more abroad than in Italy, her native country, and finds echoes and reflections even where it is not officially mentioned. In this book are explored aspects of her life and the personality of the great pedagogist is investigated and highlighted: her struggles for Feminism and for the right of women to vote, the complex relationship with Mussolini and the Fascist regime, the certainly suffered contradiction who did not allow her, who dedicated her whole life to the children, to keep her son Mario –  born from a free relationship with a colleague – with her. There are also chapters on Maria Montessori\’s relationship with Theosophy and Theosophical society and the almost ten years spent in India. A broad and complete portrait of a personality complex and bearer of many lights but also of some shadow, like a

  • biografia de maria montessori