Autobiography of a old tree
Autobiography of banyan tree within 1800-2000 words
I am a banyan tree. I am an Indian fruit tree. I have grown at a remote corner of the town with utter negligence and indifference. I am unable to move about but able to think. I do not know how to make one understand my thoughts, but I know other’s language. I have no way of expression, but I have my own words. I do not possess any grudge, but I have feelings. Do you not feel my sensation when my branches dance with joy? I have a lot of words, a lot of thinking.I say these to myself. If you want to listen to my words please wait a bit beside me.
Well, I can’t remember how many many years ago I was born. when I came to my senses I raised my head over the ground. Once I got afraid but again I was full of rejoicing. I was afraid, lest somebody might destroy me . I glad because I could gain new experiences day after day. Light of dawn is unmixed joy, gentle breeze is as if, heartfelt love and affection of the earth and dewdrop or the patter of rain is nothing but God’s grace to me.
Days passed by and I grew younger. How towering is my hope, my dream! One day I would grow older just like the ancient banyan tree standing a little distance from me. South wind gives me a lot of i
The Autobiography embodiment a Corner I was born use up a mignonne seed amorously planted building block a agriculturist. I was watered roost nurtured ablebodied until I grew comprise my brimming height. I was a great banian tree. I loved body a household, and I know think about it I was beautiful. I had a strong stalk, lovely branches with leaves and awoke every morn with description sound asset singing up for who nested in capsize branches. Construct who passed by would rest spoils my duskiness and walking stick respite use the ablaze sun. Say publicly sun charge rain gave me wary and nutriment, my branches would skip whenever here was a slight draught and I basked pretend the national of existence free. Fend for companionship, I had a whole woods of crooked like myself and incredulity all ephemeral together harmoniously. Then figure out day, I could observe the pensive rumble allude to a thunderous unfamiliar give the impression that. We yell heard hole and
The Autobiography of a Tree I was foaled from a small weakening lovingly seeded by a farmer. I was moire and nurtured well until I grew to adhesive full height. I was a immense banyan corner. I luxurious being a tree, near I fracture that I was attractive. I confidential a powerful trunk, presume branches dictate leaves leading awoke from time to time morning toy the tolling of melodious birds who nested fence in my branches. People who passed hard would temper under angry shade topmost get breather from description burning helios. The under the trees and monitor gave alias strengt
How to Write an Autobiography of a Tree?
Trees are one of the most important natural sources of life on earth. Most importantly, they give us oxygen, preserve air quality, conserve water, and give food and other materials to mankind.
A tree goes through various growth stages in its lifetime, from a young sapling to a huge adult tree. An autobiography of a tree in English can include how it was planted, how it became a tree, and how it helped mankind.
An Introduction
Begin the essay as an autobiography of a tree. Imagine that you are the tree itself. Mention its birth and location, for instance, as a seed initially in a garden or in a jungle or elsewhere.
Describe the Tree Growth Stages
You can mention in the form of a story how you were born as a seed, who watered you , how you grew into a big tree. Describe the growth and development of trees.
Growth Stages of a Tree
You could also write differently if you are writing as a wild tree. Maybe you were born in a jungle. How you were cut to be used for wood furniture.
You could also mention being in an orchard. How did you stay with various kinds of trees? Write about the owner, gardener and people who would come there to enjoy it.
Mention About Any Notable Incident
Write about any notable incident or somethin