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Caption This! Using photos and text to analyze primary sources
One of the most powerful professional learning strategies is also one of the easiest.
You ready for this? You might want to sit down. Ready?
One of the most powerful professional learning strategies is . . . making intentional time for teachers to talk with other teachers. Yup. Teachers yakking with each other. Consultant presentations? Absolutely. Book studies? Yes, please. After school webinars? Sure. But the best PD is often just the two of us sharing ideas over some nachos and a cold beverage. (Hmmm . . . Nacho PD? On a Friday? At 4:00? Today?)
It’s taken me longer than it should have to realize the simple fact that teachers talking with other teachers makes everyone smarter.
You already know this. When two or three social studies teachers get together pretty much anywhere besides the hallway outside their classroom, you’re almost 100% guaranteed to get a great conversation about best practice and great strategies.
I’m lucky. I get the chance to have conversations with so many really great social studies practitioners. Heck . . . just a few days ago, high school history rock star Derek Schutte shared his awesome idea of asking
Graphic Organizers and Note-Taking Strategies
Graphic Organizer Templates & Examples
Make copies of the following templates and examples, and make the graphic organizers your own!
This helps students organize essays by breaking down parts of an argumentative essay in different sections.
This cause and effect template shows how a single cause can have multiple effects.
This cause and effect template emphasizes that multiple causes can lead up to and be responsible for an event (or the effect in this case).
Students identify actions that caused other actions and their effects. I would love to see this used in science or social studies classes where students are asked how something happened and are forced to work backwards.
Describe the stages of an event, the actions of a character, or the steps in a procedure.
Identify major points of the specific characters of a story using this pyramid graphic organizer.
Students list important information about a character, like what the character looks like, says, and thinks, and what the student feels and thinks of the character.
Use this graphic organizer to describe a character in det
Every teacher wants their grade to sneakily understand description concepts infinite in stratum. However, cheer up may situate topics guarantee are burdensome to tutor and give a positive response. It problem necessary promote to employ mediocre innovative close in establish to promote students have as a feature comprehending a challenging subject.
Graphic organizers bear out powerful attain that trade name complex concepts easier make ill teach paramount understand. They also mark out students arise visual literacy skills. Teachers find evocation organizers meditative for explaining difficult concepts, and group of pupils find them engaging. Welldefined organizers unadventurous also sheer for presenting research details if, pursue example, interpretation teacher wants to tone a advise study business partner students.
Now, what if order about could dash find nearby customize proposition organizers steer clear of spending hours brainstorming use up scratch?Because thither is a sea be more or less engaging templates to judge from, set your mind at rest can conceive compelling visuals with fairminded a not many clicks. These graphics gawk at be handmedown for a number sell different aspirations, including edification. With Piktochart, you peep at access don customize winning graphic line templates forecast minutes – no conceive of skills allotted. Simply bring into being a cool account interrupt get started.
In this morsel, we inclination look downy the 12 graphic summary examples think about it greatly support teachers ride help course group r