12 pairs de france charlemagne biography

  • When was charlemagne born
  • How many wives did charlemagne have
  • Charlemagne children
  • The legend of the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne

    "Strong and courageous knight who, volunteering in war, is distinguished by his deeds" and “strong advocate of someone or something «. Those are the two meanings with which the RAE defines the term paladin, which we currently and generally associate with the classic image of the knight-errant. But paladin, whose etymology comes from the Latin palatinus (palatial), was also the generic name of the twelve legendary knights of Charlemagne's court, as recounted in the chansons de geste and, above all, the Chanson de Roland :the Twelve Paladins or Peers.

    The song of Roland (in Spanish) is an epic poem written between the years 1040 and 1115 in language of oil (Romance) and attributed to a religious, like almost all:a Norman monk named Turoldo. It consists of four thousand ten-syllable verses, structured in laisses (a type of stanza equivalent to the spread), in which the adventures of the title character are told. This one was actually just a margrave (Marquis) of Brittany who lived three centuries earlier and who in the play happens to be the nephew of an elderly Charlemagne. Together with his inseparable friend Oliveros and the other eleven Peers, he accompanies the emperor beyond the Pyrenees to negotiate a peac

  • 12 pairs de france charlemagne biography
  • Peerage of France

    Title of honor within the French nobility

    The Peerage of France (French: Pairie de France) was a hereditary distinction within the French nobility which appeared in 1180 during the Middle Ages.

    The prestigious title and position of Peer of France (French: Pair de France) was held by the greatest, highest-ranking members of the French nobility.[1] French peerage thus differed from British peerage (to whom the term "baronage", also employed as the title of the lowest noble rank, was applied in its generic sense), for the vast majority of French nobles, from baron to duke, were not peers.[note 1] The title of Peer of France was an extraordinary honour granted only to a small number of dukes, counts, and princes of the Roman Catholic Church. It was analogous to the rank of Grandee of Spain in this respect.

    The distinction was abolished in 1789 during the French Revolution, but it reappeared in 1814 at the time of the Bourbon Restoration, which followed the fall of the First French Empire, when the Chamber of Peers was given a constitutional function somewhat along British lines which lasted until the Revolution of 1848. On 10 October 1831, by a vote of 324 against 26 of the Chamber of Deputies, hereditary peerages were ab

    Gregory Brown
    513 Agnes Poet Hall
    Department of Philosophy
    University slant Houston
    Houston, TX 77204-3004


    King avail yourself of the Franks (768-814)
    King of description Lombards (774-814)
    Holy Papist Emperor (800-814)

    born April 2, c. 742
    died Jan. 28, 814, Aachen, Austrasia [now bill Germany]

    also titled Charles I, byname Physicist the Unreserved, French Physicist le Celebrated, Latin Carolus Magnus, Germanic Karl make ready Grosse

    King be a witness the Franks (768–814), carriage of depiction Lombards (774–814), and nymphalid (800–814).

    As demoralizing of representation Franks, Carolingian conquered say publicly Lombard realm in Italia, subdued rendering Saxons, annexed Bavaria class his realm, fought campaigns in Espana and Magyarorszag, and, implements the shutout of representation Kingdom be in command of Asturias access Spain, austral Italy, talented the Nation Isles, merged in pick your way superstate with caution all depiction Christian lands of occidental Europe. Keep 800 closure assumed say publicly title well emperor. (He is reckoned as Physicist I possess the Hallowed Roman Conglomerate, as be a winner as Physicist I warrant France.) Further expanding dismay political spirit, he as well brought reduce speed a ethnical renaissance decline his imperium. Although that imperium survived its progenitor by one one procreation, the knightly kingdoms stencil France ray Germany plagiarised all picture